Switching and News
First off, happy Easter to everybody. I came across three more switchers today. Remember if you blog about your switch to send me an email.
I’ve now moved to WordPress a PHP-based blog that has most of what I was looking for in a blog. Most importantly, it has the ability to submit blog entries via email. I think I will really like that functionality and think it will help me to post more often and from more places.
After doing that, I thought, “Well, why not give it a test drive over at my own place?” So I did, and I liked it. A lot.
Instead of umpteen rebuilds every time something is changed, WP builds everything on the fly. So, when you squash a troll, or delete some spam, it’s gone immediately, without having to rebuild the main page, the comment archive, and the individual (and/or monthly) archive.
Xhale.org — It ain’t over till the fat buddha sings
Why oh why do I insist on continuing to test every blogging package out there – even signing up to Typepad (again !), when the perfect beast is sitting on my hard drive gagging to be uploaded, styled and posted to ? WordPress does all that I need and then some. It’s free, well constructed, full of advanced features and hence should be my first and last choice of blogging script.
There is an interesting thread on the forums with a few tips on how to set up PHP/Apache/MySQL on your local windows machine. I must admit in the past I’ve always done my work either directly on the server or uploading after every save, because I didn’t want the hassle of dealing with two radically different enviroments. However as I commented in the thread, I’ve recently gotten a good enviroment set up locally and while I haven’t started using it for testing yet, it’s fantastic for running web-based applications like Alex’s Tasks.