WordPress News

WordPress 3.0.5 (and 3.1 Release Candidate 4)

WordPress 3.0.5 is now available and is a security hardening update for all previous WordPress versions. This security release is required if you have any untrusted user accounts, but it also comes with important security enhancements and hardening. All WordPress users are strongly encouraged to update. Three point oh point five Enhances security Three point […]

3.0.4 Important Security Update

Version 3.0.4 of WordPress, available immediately through the update page in your dashboard or for download here, is a very important update to apply to your sites as soon as possible because it fixes a core security bug in our HTML sanitation library, called KSES. I would rate this release as “critical.” This issue affects […]

WordPress 3.0.3

WordPress 3.0.3 is available and is a security update for all previous WordPress versions. This release fixes issues in the remote publishing interface, which under certain circumstances allowed Author- and Contributor-level users to improperly edit, publish, or delete posts. These issues only affect sites that have remote publishing enabled. Remote publishing is disabled by default, but […]

WordPress 3.0.2

WordPress 3.0.2 is available and is a mandatory security update for all previous WordPress versions. Haiku has become traditional: Fixed on day zero One-click update makes you safe This used to be hard This maintenance release fixes a moderate security issue that could allow a malicious Author-level user to gain further access to the site, […]

WordPress 2.8.6 Security Release

2.8.6 fixes two security problems that can be exploited by registered, logged in users who have posting privileges.  If you have untrusted authors on your blog, upgrading to 2.8.6 is recommended. The first problem is an XSS vulnerability in Press This discovered by Benjamin Flesch.  The second problem, discovered by Dawid Golunski, is an issue […]

WordPress 2.8.5: Hardening Release

As you know over the past couple of months we have been working on the new features for WordPress 2.9. We have also been working on trying to make WordPress as secure as possible and during this process we have identified a number of security hardening changes that we thought were worth back-porting to the […]

How to Keep WordPress Secure

A stitch in time saves nine. I couldn’t sew my way out of a bag, but it’s true advice for bloggers as well — a little bit of work on an upgrade now saves a lot of work fixing something later. Right now there is a worm making its way around old, unpatched versions of […]

WordPress 2.8.4: Security Release

Yesterday a vulnerability was discovered: a specially crafted URL could be requested that would allow an attacker to bypass a security check to verify a user requested a password reset. As a result, the first account without a key in the database (usually the admin account) would have its password reset and a new password […]

WordPress 2.8.3 Security Release

Unfortunately, I missed some places when fixing the privilege escalation issues for 2.8.1.  Luckily, the entire WordPress community has our backs.  Several folks in the community dug deeper and discovered areas that were overlooked.  With their help, the remaining issues are fixed in 2.8.3.  Since this is a security release, upgrading is highly recommended.  Download […]

The WordPress 2.0.x Legacy Branch is Deprecated

The WordPress team had initially committed to maintaining the WordPress 2.0.x legacy branch until 2010. Unfortunately, we bit off more than we could chew—the 2.0.x branch is now retired and deprecated, a few months shy of 2010. Many of the security improvements to the new versions of WordPress in the last couple of years were […]

WordPress 2.6.2

Stefan Esser recently warned developers of the dangers of SQL Column Truncation and the weakness of mt_rand().  With his help we worked around these problems and are now releasing WordPress 2.6.2.  If you allow open registration on your blog, you should definitely upgrade.  With open registration enabled, it is possible in WordPress versions 2.6.1 and […]

WordPress 2.1.3 and 2.0.10

We have a security update release now available for both the 2.1 and 2.0 branches of WordPress now available for immediate download. This update is highly recommend for all users of both branches. These releases include fixes for several publicly known minor XSS issues, one major XML-RPC issue, and a proactive full sweep of the […]