The Unofficial Five Kingdoms
Of WordPress Hackdom, that is.
There are so many requests for hacks of various sorts that I thought it might be helpful to list some of the most useful sites. ‘Useful’ is subjective, of course, but I have attempted to list the most comprehensive sites.
Please note that all hacks do not work with all versions of WP!
- The hacks section of the Wiki should be your first stop. This is the most extensive listing of WordPress hacks currently available.
- MtDewVirus’ world-famous hacks (including various incarnations of his Archives hack) can be found here.
- Laughing Lizard’s Weblog Tools Collection contains many unique WP hacks, as well aspiring to be the definitive source for various helpful blog utilities.
- GamerZ’s hacks section contains some great stuff, including WP Stats, WP Polls, and WP WAP, among others.
- Swing by Chris Davis’ joint for some cool hacks, like his Creative Commons hack, and a live preview for comments.
- Alex King, WP developer extraordinaire, also has some great stuff on his site, including the Incredibly Amazing CSS Style Switcher.
There are many other great sites out there. This list is only intended to start you on your journey. And, apparently, to demonstrate my inability to count to six.
Happy hacking!