WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 2

2.8.1 Beta 2 is ready for testing.  Download it, check out the changes since beta 1, and review all tickets fixed in 2.8.1.  We especially suggest, recommend, and beg that plugin developers test their plugins against beta 2 and let us know of any issues.  Notable fixes in beta 2:

  • Translation of role names fixed
  • wp_page_menu() defaults to sorting by the user specified menu order rather than the page title
  • Upload error messages are now correctly reported
  • Autosave error experienced by some IE users is fixed
  • Styling glitch in the plugin editor fixed
  • SSH2 filesystem requirements updated
  • Switched back to curl as the default transport
  • Updated the translation library to avoid a problem with mbstring.func_overload

Thanks again for testing WordPress.