XHTML Friends Network

I just wanted to point everyone to XFN, the XHTML Friends Network. Read about the release on my blog, Eric’s blog, or Tantek’s blog. XFN is a standardized method for leveraging the HTML rel attribute to describe relationships between people. More simply, it’s about enhancing how you link to somebody.

If you use WordPress you are already ahead of the game as we have supported adding rel values to links now for several versions. If you wondered why before, this is the reason. I’m going to look into integrating the XFN Creator to the link interface to make things even simpler.

I also have some things in mind for future WP support of XFN. For instance, a commonly requested feature that wouldn’t be terribly hard to implement is to automagically create strings such as a friend’s name into a link to that friend’s website. We already have a robust link manager, there’s no reason the two couldn’t connect and the XFN values be added as well. I’ve also been thinking about a tool to simplify the creation of CSS to do fun things with XFN values. You can discuss in the forums.