WordPress News

WordPress 3.3.1 Security and Maintenance Release

WordPress 3.3.1 is now available. This maintenance release fixes 15 issues with WordPress 3.3, as well as a fix for a cross-site scripting vulnerability that affected version 3.3. Thanks to Joshua H., Hoang T., Stefan Zimmerman, Chris K., and the Go Daddy security team for responsibly disclosing the bug to our security team. Download 3.3.1 or visit […]

WordPress 3.3 “Sonny”

The latest and greatest version of the WordPress software — 3.3, named “Sonny” in honor of the great jazz saxophonist Sonny Stitt — is immediately available for download or update inside your WordPress dashboard. WordPress has had over 65 million downloads since version 3.0 was released, and in this third major iteration we’ve added significant […]

WordPress 3.3 Release Candidate 3

The third (and hopefully final!) release candidate for WordPress 3.3 is now available. Since RC2, we’ve done a handful of last-minute tweaks and bugfixes that we felt were necessary. Our goal is to release version 3.3 early next week, so plugin and theme authors, this is your last pre-release chance to  test your plugins and themes  to find any […]

Core Team Meetup Time

It’s almost that time again, when the WordPress core development team gets together in person to review the year’s progress and talk about priorities for the coming year. Next week Matt Mullenweg, Mark Jaquith, Peter Westwood, Andrew Ozz, Andrew Nacin, Dion Hulse, Daryl Koopersmith, Jon Cave, and I will meet at Tybee Island, GA, the […]

WordPress 3.3 Release Candidate 2

The second release candidate for WordPress 3.3 is now available! As the first release candidate was well-received, we think we’re really close to a final release. Primarily, we’ve ensured that new toolbar (the admin bar in 3.2) has a consistent appearance across all browsers, and the API for developers is now final. You can check […]

WordPress 3.3 Release Candidate 1

Release Candidate stage means we think we’re done and are about ready to launch this version, but are doing one last check before we officially call it. So take a look, and as always, please check your themes and plugins for compatibility if you’re a developer. Stayed up late tonight, Hammering toward RC1. Now with […]

WordPress 3.3 Beta 4 Available Now

The march toward 3.3 continues! With all our major tickets closed, we are very close to a release candidate. In Beta 4 we’ve fixed a bunch of bugs, cleaned up the UI, added real text in some of the screens that still had placeholder text in Beta 3 (post-update screen, the Dashboard welcome area, new […]

Wherefore Art Thou, Widgets?

We need your opinion! One of the features we’re adding to WordPress 3.3 (currently in beta 3) is intended to reduce widget pain. Say you’re using Theme A and you have a handful of widgets set up. You switch to Theme B, and it has different widget areas, so you add/remove/edit your widgets. Then you […]

Taking WordPress to War

Today is the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the (20)eleventh year, and in several parts of the world, it is a holiday related to war. In the U.S., where I live, it is Veterans Day, which honors military veterans. In much of Europe, today is Armistice Day or Remembrance Day, commemorating the armistice signed at […]

WordPress 3.3 Beta 3 Available

Testers, Beta 3 is now available! You know the drill: use a test install, see what you can break, and report any bugs you find. There have been 200 commits since Beta 2, but at this point, betas are not adding new features — it’s all about fixing bugs, making things a little prettier, and […]

WordPress 3.3 Beta 2

Changes since Beta 1: Updated the Blue theme Fixed IE7 and RTL support Improved flyout menu styling and fixed several glitches Finished the Pointers implementation Landed the dashboard Welcome box for new installs Improved contextual help styling Tweaked the admin bar a little more Fixed a bunch of bugs Consult the full change log  for […]

WordPress 3.3 Beta 1

WordPress 3.3 is ready for beta testers. As always, this is software still in development and we don’t recommend that you run it on a production site — set up a test site just to play with the new version. If you break it (find a bug), please report it, and if you’re a developer, try to […]