Art Blog for The Inspiration Place

Advice I wish I could give my 16 year old Self

Be Yourself: Everyone Else is Already Taken
advice for life by Miriam Schulman, @SchulmanArt

Decorate Your Own Soul
I was asked to give a talk at the local high school's Art Honor Society induction ceremony. I am honored to speak to this group because I am very familiar with their community service since my daughter was part of this group last year. She loved doing art projects with the...

5 Highly Regarded Studio Art Colleges

Art Programs Across the Country
by Elissa Watters, guest blogger

Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)
For years RISD has held the reputation of being the top art school in the USA. RISD is located in Providence, Rhode Island, and has an agreement with its neighbor, Brown University, that allows its students to cross-register for classes at Brown and vice versa. As a result, students can pursue a...

Top 5 Art History Undergraduate Programs

Best Art History colleges | Read more about the top 5 undergraduate art history programs at
Your Art Education 
by guest blogger @lindsayleboyer, Lindsay LeBoyer

Applying for college can be a stressful process. Deciding on a major can be tricky, and picking the school of your dreams is even harder. If you already know you want to study art history, the process just got a little easier. Here are five art history undergraduate programs that consistently rank among the top.
Bowdoin College Museum of Art | Discover more of the top 5 undergraduate art history programs at
On view at the...