Art Blog for The Inspiration Place

Fall in love with Frida Kahlo

frida kahlo fall in love with this mexican artist on

As an artist blogger I feel a tremendous responsibility to turn a spotlight on women artists. Since  Frida Kahlo is currently at the New York Botanical Gardens, I want to share a guest blog post I wrote.

Turn a spotlight on Women Artists

This post is part of my "Famous Women Artists" series where I turn the spotlight on different women artists on my blog. Blenda Tyvoll has asked me to focus on...

Happy Birthday Frida Kahlo

frida kahlo at the botanical gardens
The New York Botanical gardens have re-imagined Kahlo’s beloved Casa Azul in the Conservatory and simultaneously are displaying rare artworks in their art gallery. 

Frida Kahlo was born on this day, July 6th. 
So Happy Birthday Frida!!

This exhibition is on view through November 1, 2015.

From the website:
This blockbuster exhibition is the first to examine Frida Kahlo’s keen appreciation for the...

Famous Women Artists: Mary Cassatt

This post is part of my "famous women artists" series where I turn the spotlight on different women artists. This week we focus on painter Mary Cassatt.


American Impressionist in Paris

Mary Cassatt was a leader in the Impressionist art movement during the late nineteenth century in Paris and is probably the artist responsible for bringing interest of collecting impressionist art to America....

Famous Women Artists: Alice Neel

This post is part of my "famous women artists" series where I turn the spotlight on different women artists. This week we focus on modern painter Alice Neel.

Expressionist Portrait Artist

Alice Neel is known for psychologically disturbing portraits during the twentieth century. Initially a painter in Greenwich Village, she moved to Spanish Harlem to blaze her own trail. Painting portraits while...

Famous Women Artists: Helen Frankenthaler

Famous Women Artists: Helen Frankenthaler
This post is part of my "famous women artists" series where I turn the spotlight on different women artists. This week we focus on modern painter Helen Frankenthaler.

Abstract Expressionist

Helen Frankenthaler was part of the group of abstract expressionist painters who studied under Hans Hoffman in the 1950's. Being in this group of artists exposed her to the highest levels of art society and she...

Women Artist Spotlight: Roz Chast

Illustrator and Comic Roz Chast (in case you can't read the small font-- Pigeon Little says "The sky is falling, the sky is- Oh, look! Part of a bagel."

Today I start a new series on my blog called "women Artist spotlight." I was motivated to write about women artists after learning that the Daring Book for Girlsdid not include female artists in their section recommending artists to young women. My...

Ten Women Artists Every Young Girl Should know About!

Female artists | Discover great women artists at 

Here is a quick top ten list of some of my favorite women artists, whom I think every female should know about. When someone told me that the names below weren't mentioned in the artist section of The Daring Book for Girls, I was startled and dismayed. The focus was on male artists in a book for girls! I'm not sure why, though, when there are so many wonderful and exciting female artists to...