WordPress News

WordPress 3.9.2 Security Release

WordPress 3.9.2 is now available as a security release for all previous versions. We strongly encourage you to update your sites immediately. This release fixes a possible denial of service issue in PHP’s XML processing, reported by Nir Goldshlager of the Salesforce.com Product Security Team. It  was fixed by Michael Adams and Andrew Nacin of the WordPress […]

WordPress 3.9.1 Maintenance Release

After three weeks and more than 9 million downloads of WordPress 3.9, we’re pleased to announce that WordPress 3.9.1 is now available. This maintenance release fixes 34 bugs in 3.9, including numerous fixes for multisite networks, customizing widgets while previewing themes, and the updated visual editor. We’ve also made some improvements to the new audio/video […]

WordPress 3.9 “Smith”

Version 3.9 of WordPress, named “Smith” in honor of jazz organist Jimmy Smith, is available for download or update in your WordPress dashboard. This release features a number of refinements that we hope you’ll love. A smoother media editing experience Improved visual editing The updated visual editor has improved speed, accessibility, and mobile support. You can paste into the […]

WordPress 3.9 Release Candidate 2

The second release candidate for WordPress 3.9 is now available for testing. If you haven’t tested 3.9 yet, you’re running out of time! We made about five dozen changes since the first release candidate, and those changes are all helpfully summarized in our weekly post on the development blog. Probably the biggest fixes are to live […]

WordPress 3.9 Release Candidate

As teased earlier, the first release candidate for WordPress 3.9 is now available for testing! We hope to ship WordPress 3.9 next week, but we need your help to get there. If you haven’t tested 3.9 yet, there’s no time like the present. (Please, not on a production site, unless you’re adventurous.) To test WordPress 3.9 […]

WordPress 3.9 Beta 3

The third (and maybe last) beta of WordPress 3.9 is now available for download. Beta 3 includes more than 200 changes, including: New features like live widget previews and the new theme installer are now more ready for prime time, so check ’em out. UI refinements when editing images and when working with media in the editor. We’ve also brought […]

WordPress 3.9 Beta 2

WordPress 3.9 Beta 2 is now available for testing! We’ve made more than a hundred changes since Beta 1, but we still need your help if we’re going to hit our goal of an April release. For what to look out for, please head on over to the Beta 1 announcement post. Some of the changes in […]

WordPress 3.9 Beta 1

I’m excited to announce that the first beta of WordPress 3.9 is now available for testing. WordPress 3.9 is due out next month — but in order to hit that goal, we need your help testing all of the goodies we’ve added: We updated TinyMCE, the software powering the visual editor, to the latest version. […]