WordPress News
Alternative MT Redirect Method
I put together a quick method that allows you to redirect old Movable Type entries without leaving the old files around. The method, which uses .htaccess, is on the wiki, redirect MT links using .htaccess. Shelley used this with some modifications.
Introduction to PHP
My introductory article on PHP, titled PHP for Designers, is now online at Digital Web. PHP is a fairly easy language to pick up and knowledge of how it works can be a big help when you’re using WordPress.
Cruft-Free URIs in WP 1.0
There has been some talk of cruft-free URIs again of late, so I thought I would post step-by-step directions for WordPress 1.0. Pay close attention, this will be very difficult. Login. Click “Options”. Click “Permalinks”. Enter your permalink structure into the box. I like the default one given, /archives/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/. Copy and paste the code it […]
WordPress Wiki
The brand-spanking new WordPress wiki is online and running. For those not familiar with what a wiki is it’s basically a content management system where everyone can edit all the content. It sounds chaotic but if anyone vandalizes the site it only takes a click to restore it to how it was. Wikis can be […]
Documentation Hooks and Bug Fixes
Mike checked in some bug fixes, but he’s now on vacation and banned from the CVS for the duration. Michel (yes that one) and I tracked down a nasty bug that would create invalid characters from normal quotes. Alex has said he’s going to work on improving the quicktag code to be cursor aware […]
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