WordPress News

WordPress 4.9 Release Candidate 3

The third release candidate for WordPress 4.9 is now available. A release candidate (RC) means we think we’re done, but with millions of users and thousands of plugins and themes, it’s possible we’ve missed something. In fact, we did miss some things in RC1 and RC2. This third release candidate was not originally scheduled, but […]

WordPress 4.9 Beta 3

WordPress 4.9 Beta 3 is now available! This software is still in development, so we don’t recommend you run it on a production site. Consider setting up a test site just to play with the new version. To test WordPress 4.9, try the WordPress Beta Tester plugin (you’ll want “bleeding edge nightlies”). Or you can download the beta here (zip). […]

Improving your plugin – Changelogs

We’ve recently made some changes to help improve the communication between plugin authors and plugin users about the changes that are made between versions. We feel that all software should have a changelog that details, at a high level, what changes have been made in each version so that the user can make an informed […]

WordPress Backup Week

July 23-30 is WordPress Backup Week. The WordPress Forum and Codex are working together to remind you to backup your WordPress site and database and eat your veggies. Even if your host does it (or should be doing it) no one was ever hurt by too many backups. It should be done on a regular […]

Get In The Loop

The WordPress Loop is the brains behind your WordPress site. A simple yet sophisticated bit of PHP coding, it generates the content and information displayed on your site, in fact, on each template page on your site. Understanding how the Loop works and how you can customize it to your needs is covered extensively in […]

Template Tags

WordPress Template Tags are the backbone of your WordPress site, giving you the power to generate content on your site. Template Tags allow you to change the way the categories and date and time are posted in your post meta data section. They control how categories, Pages, and posts are displayed on your site. Almost […]

Weekly Roundup

At the last WordPress IRC meetup there was a consensus that this development blog isn’t used enough for spreading general news and information about WP, and one of the ways we’ve decided to address that is with weekly roundup posts summarizing some activity and highlighting some of the amazing resources in the Codex. The posts […]

Wordpress 1.5 Developers' Primer

WordPress 1.5 is not just cool and suave on the outside, there are quite a few programming enhancements and added features for coders, hackers, plugin developers and enthusiasts. Some of these are obvious while others are more difficult to track down without digging through the code. This is a highly technical post, so feel free to skip it if that’s not your bag.

My Blog Is Terribly Broken

If you load up your blog and see something like this: Database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] SELECT DISTINCT ID, category_id, cat_name, category_nicename, category_description, category_parent FROM blog_categories, blog_post2cat, blog_posts WHERE category_id = cat_ID […]

Fight Spam

Comment spam is a problem that hits many blog systems, but fortunately on WordPress there are some very robust ways to deal with this scourge. We’re building some important protections into 1.3 but in the meantime you should take action to protect yourself. Our own Podz has put together a great resource on the Codex […]

Moving Guide

Carthik Sharma has written an excellent guide for moving from Movable Type to WordPress. It walks you through step by step of downloading, installing, and understanding WordPress. I also like that it has pointers to a lot of documentation resources outside of wordpress.org. I also wanted to take this oppurtunity to say “howdy” to all […]

Plugins From CSS Guru

The infamous Eric Meyer, as you may know, powers his blog with WordPress. In the course of customizing WordPress to meet his needs we chatted quite a bit and he extended the functions he needed to extend using the 1.2 plugin format, and he is now sharing his work with the community. See his Meyerweb […]