WordPress News

Make the Switch!

Mark Pilgrim has a long post on why he’s switching to WordPress. Carthik makes switching easy with his comprehensieve summary on migrating from MovableType to WordPress. Gregory Auld has published the second part of his series on converting your MT template tags to WP tags.

Moving Guide

Carthik Sharma has written an excellent guide for moving from Movable Type to WordPress. It walks you through step by step of downloading, installing, and understanding WordPress. I also like that it has pointers to a lot of documentation resources outside of wordpress.org. I also wanted to take this oppurtunity to say “howdy” to all […]

New Pricing Scheme

Our friends at SixApart have announced their new pricing scheme. Best of luck to them moving forward and growing as a business. I have been receiving emails all morning asking if I have any plans to charge for WordPress in the future. The answer is no, but my answer doesn’t matter. The license WordPress is […]

When it Rains it Pours

It’s only Monday and we already have several new switch stories for you. Thanks to everyone who mailed in! x.blog My first impression on WP is very positive. By now, I’m convinced that my MT set up going crazy was a blessing in disguise. I was used to the (awkward) MT templates and stuff and […]

Switching and News

First off, happy Easter to everybody. I came across three more switchers today. Remember if you blog about your switch to send me an email. Mickey’s Musings I’ve now moved to WordPress a PHP-based blog that has most of what I was looking for in a blog. Most importantly, it has the ability to submit […]

More Switchers

Several more blogs have made the switch to WordPress and written about it: King of Nothing The first thing that impressed the hell out of me was how easy it was to install WP — I had a working copy in 3 freakin’ minutes. Not only that, but WP imported 3 years worth of posts […]

New Switchers

Highlighting a few recent converts to WordPress.

Redirecting MT Entries

I’ve posted a single entry template for MoveableType that you can use to republish your MT archives and have them all redirect to the corresponding entries you’ve imported into WordPress. Download. If you’re inspired to take this and create other templates (archives, etc.) feel free to send them my way and I’ll include them in […]

Import Your blo.gs Blogroll

Just implemented! Import of opml blogrolls from blo.gs