WordPress News

WordPress.org Privacy Policy Updates

The WordPress.org privacy policy has been updated, hurray! While we weren’t able to remove all the long sentences, we hope you find the revisions make it easier to understand: how we collect and use data, how long the data we collect is retained, and how you can request a copy of the data you’ve shared […]

WordPress User Survey Data for 2015-2017

For many years, we’ve invited folks to tell us how they use WordPress by filling out an annual survey. In the past, interesting results from this survey have been shared in the annual State of the Word address. This year, for the first time, the results of the 2017 survey are being published on WordPress […]

WordPress Trademark Changes Hands

The WordPress community took a big step forward today when Matt announced that Automattic has donated the WordPress trademark to the non-profit WordPress Foundation. Moving forward, the Foundation will be responsible for safeguarding the trademarked name and logo from misuse toward the end of protecting WordPress and preventing confusion among people trying to figure out […]

A Brief Intermission

Just a heads up that Trac commits will be pretty low over the next couple of days, as all the core committers are in Orlando: Matt, Ryan, Andrew, Peter and Mark. We all came for WordCamp Orlando (fun!) and are staying a couple of extra days to discuss the vision for WordPress in the coming […]

A Little Support?

Thanksgiving was last week, and I thought about doing a post to thank the people who contribute to WordPress core, since this is a group of people I’m thankful for on a daily basis. I started a draft, and then realized that with 2.9 in beta, we’ll have a release announcement sometime in the next […]

WordPress Wins CMS Award

I was very excited last week to learn that WordPress has been awarded the Overall Best Open Source CMS Award in the 2009 Open Source CMS Awards. This is a landmark for us, as it is the first time we’ve won this award, and it marks a shift in the public perception of WordPress, from […]

New and Improved Plugins Directory Search

One of the biggest problems and most frequent complaints we’ve had with the WordPress.org Plugins Directory is the horrible, horrible search results. No longer.  We’re now using Sphinx (a “free open-source SQL full-text search engine”) to power search on the Plugins Directory both from the website and from within your blog’s admin (Plugins → Add […]

So, what’s with the WPMU blog?

Welcome to the first post of the first blog on the wordpress.org domain dedicated solely to WordPress MU (WPMU). Sure, this isn’t most likely going to see the light of day for some time, but it’s important to have it here, don’t you think? Anyway, down to business… The problem, as it stands is that: […]

Google Summer of Code

Looking for something fun to do this summer? All college and university students around the world are invited to apply to get paid $4,500 USD to work on your favorite open source project this summer. WordPress is among the 131 accepted to Google Summer of Code, of more than 300 projects that applied We have […]

MU 1.0 and bbPress

The WordPress family has been really starting to grow lately. I wanted to let you guys know about two big releases: WordPress Multi-user 1.0 and bbPress 0.72. WordPress MU is an official branch of WordPress that is designed for managing and hosting thousands of blogs instead of just one. It’s the software that powers WordPress.com, […]

WordPress in Popular Science

When I was a kid I would wait anxiously every month for the new issue of Popular Science because I had a fascination with the future and always wanted to check when those darn flying cars were coming out. I’m still not sure about the flying cars, but Popular Science seems to be on top […]

Fifty Thousand

Fifty thousand is a big number, but over 50,000 of you have downloaded WordPress 1.5 in the two weeks since it’s been released. The rapid uptake of the Strayhorn release has been surprising and rewarding, and I thought this milestone was a perfect opportunity to say thank you for making WordPress part of your world. […]