WordPress News

Weekly Roundup

At the last WordPress IRC meetup there was a consensus that this development blog isn’t used enough for spreading general news and information about WP, and one of the ways we’ve decided to address that is with weekly roundup posts summarizing some activity and highlighting some of the amazing resources in the Codex. The posts […]

For Your Nightly Fix

Since WordPress is easy to upgrade, and support is efficient and easily available, a lot of users had been using nightly builds and betas prior to the release of version 1.5 just because they were impatient for the release. (We were too!) This created a tricky problem for the support volunteers and for the users […]

ArsTechnica : Web Application of the Year

We hope the new year brings cheer and good news to your life. For the WordPress family, the year starts on a positive note. ArsTechnica names WordPress the Web Application of the Year! The blurb reads: Let’s face it. Blogs are in fashion, and why not? Vanity knows no bounds, and there are some people […]

Regular Nightly Builds, Debian Package

The generation of the nightly builds has now been automated, so from now on we will have one nightly build each night. This should make it easier for folks involved in testing and debugging to grab the latest, bleeding-edge code. We do not recommend nightly builds for regular usage, so please do not use a […]

Planet WordPress

Now there is one blog to cover them all. Planet WordPress is an aggregation of mostly WordPress related posts from the blogs of the WordPress developers, and a few other blogs that belong to WordPress hackers and trackers. You will find posts from the following blogs at the WordPress Planet: Alex King (feed) Blogging Pro […]

Make the Switch!

Mark Pilgrim has a long post on why he’s switching to WordPress. Carthik makes switching easy with his comprehensieve summary on migrating from MovableType to WordPress. Gregory Auld has published the second part of his series on converting your MT template tags to WP tags.

Moving Your Type: MT->WP Migrations

Recently, there’s been quite a few ‘switchers’ from MovableType to WordPress noted here in the devblog, with an attendant rise in MT-related questions in the forums. For those of you switching (or considering the move) the following recent articles will be of great use: Shelley Powers at Burningbird has written several articles detailing her move […]

The Man Behind the Antlers

Haven’t we all wondered about RadioactiveCaribou..er, NuclearMoose at some point or other? He’s all over the forums, he’s just done an incredible job with a preliminary table of contents for the wiki, and he’s created most of the great WordPress holiday logos seen in the header (among many other things). I mean, who IS this guy? And where does he find the time?

Well, a couple of weeks ago I set out to find the ‘real’ NuclearMoose. I emailed him a few questions, to which he promptly responded.

Here then, is Craig Hartel, otherwise known as NuclearMoose…kind of live and completely uncensored!

What's Wrong With the Wiki?

Just a quick note: there’s been a few posts in the forums today about the Wiki being down. Matt is aware of the problem and has been working to resolve it. See this post for more information.

The Unofficial Five Kingdoms

Of WordPress Hackdom, that is. There are so many requests for hacks of various sorts that I thought it might be helpful to list some of the most useful sites. ‘Useful’ is subjective, of course, but I have attempted to list the most comprehensive sites. Please note that all hacks do not work with all […]

In case you haven't heard…

Version 1.0.2 is now available for download from Sourceforge. This is only a bugfix release, and contains no new features. Here’s the Changelog. About the upcoming plugin architecture: From Matt: WordPress is moving toward a more robust plugin system that will make distributing and installing plugins or hacks easier than ever. In 1.2 there will […]

A Brief Introduction

A couple of weeks ago, I replied to this post in the forums. This past Thursday, I was informed by Matt that because I was the best-looking most qualified of all the candidates, he was offering me the position of informally reporting on the WordPress scene, should I choose to take it. Obviously, I did, […]