WordPress News

Are You Ready for WordPress 3.2?

WordPress 3.2 is going to be released very soon, and we want you to be ready! Take note: the minimum requirements are changing. PHP and MySQL As of 3.2, you’ll need to be running PHP 5.2.4 and MySQL 5.0. As we mentioned almost a year ago when we announced that this change was coming, the percentage […]

PHP 4 and MySQL 4 End of Life Announcement

Our approach with WordPress has always been to make it run on common server configurations. We want users to have flexibility when choosing a host for their precious content. Because of this strategy, WordPress runs pretty much anywhere. Web hosting platforms, however, change over time, and we occasionally are able to reevaluate some of the […]

WordPress on Yahoo

As many of you know, we’re constantly tweaking and updating our web hosting page based on feedback we get from you. Well today we’re very excited to announce we’re adding a new host to the page with a familiar name – Yahoo! We’ve been working with the Yahoo Small Business team to create a solution […]