WordPress News

Wiki Update

Everything with the Wiki has been fixed up. It actually wasn’t a problem with the wiki software we use, PHPWiki, it was a glitch in mmcache. As always, if you notice anything funky feel free to email me or post on the forums.

4 Days Left in the CSS Style Competition

We’ve received a number of great entries in the CSS Style Competition. Just a reminder, you have 4 more days (until Friday @ midnight PST) to get your entry in!

WordPress CSS Styles Competition

To help grow the number of stylesheets available for the default WordPress template, we’re sponsoring a CSS Style Competition for WordPress (with prizes!) through February 6, 2004. Tell your neighbors, tell your friends… get those creative juices flowing and send in your designs!

WordPress Wiki

The brand-spanking new WordPress wiki is online and running. For those not familiar with what a wiki is it’s basically a content management system where everyone can edit all the content. It sounds chaotic but if anyone vandalizes the site it only takes a click to restore it to how it was. Wikis can be […]

Spam: Kill it at the root

Matt and I were chatting briefly earlier today about blog comment spam, and about an article that Mark Pilgrim posted on his site. Mark is pretty pessimistic about the outlook for anti-comment-spam efforts. And he points out the great lengths to which spammers will go in order to get their spams out to where eyeballs […]

New Forum RSS feeds

Alex hacked the RSS functionality I wrote for the support forums and added a feed that shows the last 20 posts in any forum. Also as always you can get an RSS representation of a thread by adding /rss/ to the end of the URL or following the link at the top of every thread. […]

Comments Closed

There comes a time in a blog's life when it must decide whether it should allow comments or not.

Hacks Section

I’ve started working on an implementation of WordPress that will be used to drive the Hacks Section of this site. Check out this thread in the forum for a discussion of potential categories. The Hacks Section will include tested hacks that follow the Hack Guidelines. I believe this will become a great resource for the […]

Drink the Kool-aid

The entire site and much of the forum should now be XHTML 1.1, completely valid and tested. I’ve submitted the site to the X-Philes. The forums still need some work. Cursed invalid embedded markup!

More Changes

Still sprucing up the WordPress website, a little fall cleaning if you will. The forum has been improved a little more to handle some obscure character problems. I also fixed the minor bug in the last discussions list that showed the wrong number of replies. I haven’t looked at the RSS code lately, and to […]

Forum Fixups

I fixed the forums so that now instead of the threads being unsemantic tables they are ordered lists, styled a little different than they were before. This should mean faster load times for everyone. The thread lists and such I’m inclined to leave because it really is representing tabular information, just the thread itself wasn’t. […]

RSS Fixed

This is just a quick post to let everyone know that the RSS for this development blog has been fixed. We’ve been so busy adding great features to WordPress that it must have just slipped under the radar. On that I’d like to bring this blog back to more what it was originally intended: an […]