WordPress News

The Month in WordPress: May 2018

This month saw two significant milestones in the WordPress community — the 15th anniversary of the project, and GDPR-related privacy tools coming to WordPress Core. Read on to find out more about this and everything else that happened in the WordPress community in May. Local Communities Celebrate the 15th Anniversary of WordPress Last Sunday, May […]

The Month in WordPress: April 2018

This past month saw a lot of preparation for upcoming events and releases across the WordPress project. Read on to find out more about these plans, and everything else that happened around the community in April. The WordPress 15th Anniversary is Coming On May 27 2018, WordPress will turn 15 years old — this is […]

The Month in WordPress: March 2018

With a significant new milestone and some great improvements to WordPress as a platform, this month has been an important one for the project. Read on to find out more about what happened during the month of March. WordPress Now Powers 30% of the Internet Over the last 15 years, the popularity and usage of […]

The Month in WordPress: February 2018

Judging by the flurry of activity across the WordPress project throughout February, it looks like everyone is really getting into the swing of things for 2018. There have been a lot of interesting new developments, so read on to see what the community has been up to for the past month. WordPress 4.9.3 & 4.9.4 […]

The Month in WordPress: January 2018

Things got off to a gradual start in 2018 with momentum starting to pick up over the course of the month. There were some notable developments in January, including a new point release and work being done on other important areas of the WordPress project. WordPress 4.9.2 Security and Maintenance Release On January 16, WordPress […]

The Month in WordPress: December 2017

Activity slowed down in December in the WordPress community, particularly in the last two weeks. However, the month started off with a big event and work pushed forward in a number of key areas of the project. Read on to find out more about what transpired in the WordPress community as 2017 came to a […]

The Month in WordPress: November 2017

The WordPress project recently released WordPress 4.9, “Tipton” — a new major release named in honor of musician and band leader Billy Tipton. Read on to find out more about this and other interesting news from around the WordPress world in November. WordPress 4.9 “Tipton” On November 16, WordPress 4.9 was released with new features […]

The Month in WordPress: October 2017

While this month we focused on building new features for WordPress core, we advanced other areas of the project too. Read on to learn more about what the WordPress project accomplished during the month of October. Take the 2017 Annual WordPress User Survey The annual WordPress User Survey is a great opportunity for you to […]

The Month in WordPress: September 2017

This has been an interesting month for WordPress, as a bold move on the JavaScript front brought the WordPress project to the forefront of many discussions across the development world. There have also been some intriguing changes in the WordCamp program, so read on to learn more about the WordPress community during the month of […]

The Month in WordPress: August 2017

While there haven’t been any major events or big new developments in the WordPress world this past month, a lot of work has gone into developing a sustainable future for the project. Read on to find out more about this and other interesting news from around the WordPress world in August. The Global WordPress Translation […]

The Month in WordPress: July 2017

After a particularly busy month in June, things settled down a bit in the WordPress world — WordPress 4.8’s release went very smoothly, allowing the Core team to build up some of the community infrastructure around development. Read on for more interesting news from around the WordPress world in July. Weekly meeting for new core […]

The Month in WordPress: June 2017

We’re starting a new regular feature on this blog today. We’d like to keep everyone up-to-date about the happenings all across the WordPress open source project and highlight how you can get involved, so we’ll be posting a roundup of all the major WordPress news at the end of every month. Aside from other general […]