WordPress News

WordPress 2.7 Beta 2

WordPress 2.7 Beta 2 is ready.  Here is a quick rundown of changes since beta 1. The Upload button didn’t always show. Fixed. JS on the Dashboard broke for blogs with no comments, causing several UI elements to “freeze”. Fixed. Recent Drafts Dashboard module didn’t show correct times. Fixed. Various Autosave fixes. Redirect after deleting […]

What's your favorite thing about the 2.7 Beta?

There have been a lot of posts and twitter announcements by people checking out the WordPress 2.7 Beta since it was announced yesterday. What’s your favorite thing about 2.7 so far? Or if you haven’t made the leap yet, to which feature are you most looking forward? Tell us in the poll below. What is […]

WordPress 2.7 Beta 1

The first public beta of WordPress 2.7 is here at last.  Join the thousands of people already testing 2.7 by downloading 2.7 Beta 1.  As previously mentioned on this blog, 2.7 is bringing a new visual design.  This design is almost completely implemented, but there are still a few areas that aren’t quite finished in […]


Today we launched the WordPress Showcase, a display of some of the best and brightest WordPress users, who are using it to do a whole lot more than blog. Pick your flavor and check out the possibilities available through WordPress MU, WordPress.com, WordPress.com VIP and WordPress.org. Site screenshots are constantly updated, so what you see […]

Usability Testing Report: 2.5 and Crazyhorse

A question I hear pretty frequently is, “Why a redesign of the admin panel so soon after 2.5?” Those who have attended WordCamps in the past few months have already heard the answer, but for the people who haven’t had that opportunity, this post is for you. When the community response to the 2.5 admin […]

Calling All WordPress-loving Icon Designers

Have you seen the getting-prettier-all-the-time menus in 2.7-almost-beta? They really are. Getting prettier all the time, I mean. Once we drop in the fonts and do a little brushing up of edges and colors, the menu system is going to be smooth. The last thing we’ll need to do to is replace the icons we’ve […]

WordPress 2.6.3

A vulnerability in the Snoopy library was announced today.  WordPress uses Snoopy to fetch the feeds shown in the Dashboard.   Although this seems to be a low risk vulnerability for WordPress users, we wanted to get an update out immediately.  2.6.3 is available for download right now.  If you don’t want to download the whole […]

The New 2.7 Dashboard

First, I’d like to say that I’m glad the majority response to the screenshots we posted last week was so positive. With a community as vocal as this one, it’s always a little nerve-wracking to introduce change, but this time it seems like the change was welcomed, which has been great. I’m hopeful that as […]

The Visual Design of 2.7

It’s finally here, the moment you’ve all been waiting for! The long months of your tolerance and forbearance as you suffered through the inelegance of our hacked-together, leftover Crazyhorse interface are almost at an end. (Was it really that painful?) The visuals you have been craving are finally finished enough to show, and have been […]

WordPress 2.7 Wireframes

For those of you who have been downloading the nightly builds or contributing code to 2.7, you’ve noticed how quickly features are being added, small layout changes are gradually being implemented, and the application is morphing before your very eyes. For the most part, the response has been extremely positive, but even the people who […]

WordPress 2.7 UI Survey #2: Search box, Favorites menu, Future Publish

October 1, 2008 Update: The survey is now closed. Thanks to all those who participated. Another round of mini-mockups and multiple choice questions awaits the first 5000 respondents. WordPress 2.7 UI Survey #2 is now available to take your opinions regarding: Where to put the search box Where to put the Add New Post button/favorites […]

WordPress 2.7 Navigation Options Survey

Note: Survey is closed as of 9/18/08. Thanks for the feedback! WordPress 2.7 is currently in development and as some people already know, it features a revised layout with a left-hand navigation column that was designed in response to user feedback regarding the use of screen real estate. Because the navigation came straight from the […]