WordPress News

WordPress 2.7.1

2.7.1, the first 2.7 maintenance release, is now available.  2.7.1 fixes 68 tickets.  You can automatically upgrade from 2.7 to 2.7.1 via the Tools → Upgrade menu, or you can download the package and upgrade manually. You may have noticed that we went much longer than usual to release this .1 update. We’re very proud […]

Thank a Plugin Developer Day

WordPress by itself is very simple — what makes it compelling for most of its users is the wide array of plugins (and themes) available for WP. The average WordPress blog has about 5 plugins installed! Today we just passed 4,000 plugins available in our plugin directory. (Which is also embedded into everyone’s WordPress 2.7 […]


Today we’ve switched on WordPress.tv, your visual resource for all things WordPress. On WordPress.tv, you’ll find tutorials for both WordPress self-installs and WordPress.com to help you get blogging fast and hassle-free. We’ve kicked things off with the basics — now you can shape what comes next. Just drop us a line and let us know […]

Prioritizing Features for WordPress 2.8

Everyone knows by now that WordPress 2.7 is packed with new features. Now that it’s available (almost 600,000 downloads as I write this!), it’s time to start working on 2.8. There were dozens of things that got tabled during 2.7 due to time constraints, and there are a lot of high-rated features in the Ideas […]

WordPress 2.7 "Coltrane"

The first thing you’ll notice about 2.7 is its new interface. From the top down, we’ve listened to your feedback and thought deeply about the design and the result is a WordPress that’s just plain faster. Nearly every task you do on your blog will take fewer clicks and be faster in 2.7 than it […]

2.7 Release Candidate Two

There comes a time in every WordPress release when it’s ready for the world , to come out of its cocoon and feel the light of the world on its wings for the first time. It’s not quite that time yet, but we’re as close as we’ve ever been, hence the immediate availability of 2.7 […]

WordPress 2.7 Release Candidate 1

With the release of RC1, we’re in the final leg of development before the release of 2.7.  280 commits since beta 3 have polished the new admin UI (including new menu icons created by the winners of our icon design contest) and fixed all known blocker bugs. We think RC1 is ready for everyone to […]

WordPress 2.6.5

WordPress 2.6.5 is immediately available and fixes one security problem and three bugs. We recommend everyone upgrade to this release. The security issue is an XSS exploit discovered by Jeremias Reith that fortunately only affects IP-based virtual servers running on Apache 2.x. If you are interested only in the security fix, copy wp-includes/feed.php and wp-includes/version.php […]

The Results of Project Icon

The community has voted, and the votes have been tallied. The winner of Project Icon, with 35% of the votes, is Entry ID “BD,” otherwise known as Ben Dunkle. Congratulations, Ben! The runner-up was VS, otherwise known as Verena Segert, so we’ll be attaching that set to the alternate color palette that is selectable from […]

WordPress 2.7 Beta 3

WordPress 2.7 Beta 3 has been released for your testing pleasure. Here are some of the changes since Beta 2 (over 160 changes in total): Numerous style improvements and refinements. All admin notices now go under the page title. PHP Notice fixes. Dashboard widget options now properly save. Menu fixes. New design for Quick Edit. […]

WordPress 2.7: Project Icon

Earlier in the beta period, we put out a call here on the development blog for designers in the WordPress community who might be interested in designing custom icons for the 2.7 admin interface. Over a dozen icon designers from around the world responded, so rather than choose just one, we decided to turn the […]

So, what’s with the WPMU blog?

Welcome to the first post of the first blog on the wordpress.org domain dedicated solely to WordPress MU (WPMU). Sure, this isn’t most likely going to see the light of day for some time, but it’s important to have it here, don’t you think? Anyway, down to business… The problem, as it stands is that: […]