WordPress News

WordPress 2.3.3

WordPress 2.3.3 is an urgent security release. If you have registration enabled a flaw was found in the XML-RPC implementation such that a specially crafted request would allow a user to edit posts of other users on that blog. In addition to fixing this security flaw, 2.3.3 fixes a few minor bugs. If you are […]

WordPress 2.3.2

WordPress 2.3.2 is an urgent security release that fixes a bug that can be used to expose your draft posts. 2.3.2 also suppresses some error messages that can give away information about your database table structure and limits and stops some information leaks in the XML-RPC and APP implementations. Get 2.3.2 now to protect your […]

Stay Warm, WordPress Hoodie

A least for those of your in the Northern hemisphere, it’s been a little chilly recently. If you’re like me you’re thinking, “WordPress keeps my servers running hot, couldn’t it warm me too?” Yes, it can. You can now buy hip WordPress hoodies in our store so when you’re not blogging you can loiter around […]

WordPress 2.3.1

WordPress 2.3.1 is now available. 2.3.1 is a bug-fix and security release for the 2.3 series. 2.3.1 fixes over twenty bugs. Some of the notable fixes are: Tagging support for Windows Live Writer Fixes for a login bug that affected those with a Blog Address different than their WordPress Address Faster taxonomy database queries, especially […]

WordPress 2.3.1 Release Candidate 1

WordPress 2.3.1 is almost ready to go. Before we send it out the door, we’re making a release candidate available so everyone can give it a last look. 2.3.1 fixes over twenty bugs. Some of the notable fixes are: Tagging support for Windows Live Writer A login bug that affected those with a Blog Address […]

WordPress 2.3

I’m thrilled to announce that Version 2.3 “Dexter” of WordPress is now ready for the world. This release includes native tagging support, plugin update notification, URL handling improvements, and much more. This release is named for the great tenor saxophonist Dexter Gordon. The entire team is really proud of this release, and I’m happy that […]

New Faces

If you follow WordPress development closely you’ve probably noticed a few new faces around lately, or to be more accurate a few old faces who are taking on bigger roles in the community. I would like to take this opportunity to announce and publicly congratulate Mark Jaquith and Peter Westwood who have both become lead […]

Preparing for 2.3

In just a few short days WordPress 2.3 will be coming out with tons of new features that (hopefully) will make you want to upgrade right away. Well while you have a bit of time over this lovely weekend, here are some things you can do to help yourself prepare for the big upgrade on […]

WordPress 2.3 Release Candidate 1

The first release candidate for WordPress 2.3 is now available. We’ve spent the week since beta 3 fixing bugs and shaping RC1 into release candidate material. If you would like try RC1 and help us get 2.3 ready for its final release on Monday the 24th, download RC1 here and report any bugs you find. […]

WordPress 2.3 Beta 3

Beta 3, the third and final beta for WordPress 2.3, is now available. Many bugs have been fixed since the second beta, and we could use your help finding and fixing more bugs in preparation for the first Release Candidate due next Monday. The standard disclaimer for betas applies. Beta 3 is pre-release software that […]

WordPress 2.2.3

2.2.3 is a security and bug-fix release for the 2.2 series. Since this is a security release, we suggest you upgrade immediately. Two of the fixes are high priority. On our Trac you can see the bugs closed and the files changed for 2.2.3. To get 2.2.3, please see our download page. As always, upgrade […]

WordPress 2.3 Beta 2

WordPress 2.3 will be here before you know it! We’re putting out a beta release every Monday until WordPress 2.3 ships on September 24th. Today the second beta drops for your testing pleasure. We’ve fixed a bunch of bugs in the last week — thanks to everyone who participated! That said, this is still rough […]