WordPress News

WordPress 2.3 Beta 1

The past 3 months we’ve been working feverishly on the next version of WordPress, 2.3. Today we’re releasing the first beta of 2.3 and we’re hoping the more adventurous and savvy among you will help us test it. Some of the features of 2.3 include plugin and core update notification, built-in tags support, faster javascript, […]

WordPress 2.2.2 and 2.0.11

Today we have two security-related releases available for both users of our main 2.2 branch and the legacy 2.0 branch. As these releases include only security and minor bugfixes they should not cause any plugin or theme compatibility issues, so you have no good excuse not to upgrade. On our Trac you can see the […]

New Shirts; International Shipping

One of the biggest complaints when we originally launched our t-shirt store was that folks outside of the United States, which is the majority of our traffic, were unable to order them. Now you can! (And we have a new style available.) At our official shop.wordpress.net you can order the new red t-shirt in either […]

WordCamp in San Francisco

Last year over 350 WordPressers of all ages and experience levels gathered in San Francisco to share a day together. We’re now halfway through 2007, and there is a new WordCamp happening on July 21 and 22 that I hope many of you can make it to. This year we’re expanding the conference to two […]

WordPress 2.2.1

WordPress 2.2.1 is now available. 2.2.1 is a bug fix release for the 2.2 series. Since 2.2 was released a month ago, the WordPress community has been improving fit-and-finish by identifying and fixing those little bugs that can be so annoying and by fine-tuning some small details. The result is a nicely polished 2.2.1 release. […]

WebWare 100 Winner

The results are in, and WordPress is the winner of the Webware 100 in the Publishing category. Thanks to everyone who voted, but thank you even more to all the great people who make WordPress what it is. It’s an honor to have so many of you entrust your blogs to our software, and it’s […]

Two Contests

There are two contests going on in the WordPress community right now. If you’d like a chance to flex your WordPress skillz and perhaps win a prize and lifelong fame, you should consider dropping your code in the hat. The first is the Sandbox Designs competition, which is like a theme competition, but working only […]

WordPress 2.2

On behalf of the entire WordPress team, I’m proud and excited to announce the immediate availability of version 2.2 “Getz” for download. This version includes a number of new features, most notably Widgets integration, and over two hundred bug fixes. It’s named in honor of tenor saxophonist Stan Getz. Goodies: WordPress Widgets allow you to […]

WordPress 2.1.3 and 2.0.10

We have a security update release now available for both the 2.1 and 2.0 branches of WordPress now available for immediate download. This update is highly recommend for all users of both branches. These releases include fixes for several publicly known minor XSS issues, one major XML-RPC issue, and a proactive full sweep of the […]

Google Summer of Code

Looking for something fun to do this summer? All college and university students around the world are invited to apply to get paid $4,500 USD to work on your favorite open source project this summer. WordPress is among the 131 accepted to Google Summer of Code, of more than 300 projects that applied We have […]

Plugin Directory

One of the greatest things about WordPress has always been the amazing number of high-quality plugins available for the platform. I believe that there aren’t any more “killer features” in software, there are 10,000 killer features and everyone has a different 20. If we tried to put everything into WordPress the result would be, for […]

WordPress at SxSW

Every year South by Southwest, or SxSW, is a very unique and affordable confluence of some of the most influential minds on the web gathering in the state where I grew up, Texas. It’s actually the first tech conference I ever went to, four years ago, and where I got my start down the path that has led me to where I am today.

Another movement close to my heart, Barcamp, is in full effect here in Austin. Saturday March 10 at 6 PM we’re going to do a WordPress meetup at the Barcamp venue Bourbon Rocks on 6th Street. Unlike many other SxSW parties, it is completely open to the public and doesn’t require a conference badge. There will be food and drinks available, and a live band after we wrap up the meetup.

So come enjoy part of your SxSW evening in this beautiful Austin weather with fellow WordPressers. In addition to the good company, we’ll have an assortment of cool WordPress stickers free for the taking.

Finally if you’re attending the conference part of SxSW Interactive, be sure to check out the following cool speakers who are WordPress users like yourself: