WordPress News

Publicity and Validation

Thanks to Christine for the links on Scriptygoddess and Big Pink Cookie. Christine is a MT user but has been a strong supporter from day 0, she’s even on the about page In other news the embarrassing validation errors have been taken care of. There might still be some pages on the support forums that […]

Style Updates

The look around here should be a little more respectable now, though there is still a long way to go, espescially with this blog. To get it where I’d like though I want to modify code and I want this to run on an unmodified version of WordPress as much as possible, so polish will […]

Comments and Template

Cleaned up the email notification of comments with a number of features that should make it more useful. First, the comments now appear to come from the email address of the person who left the comment, so if they filled it in you can just click reply in your email client to respond privately. Second, […]


Welcome to the WordPress development blog. Run by WordPress itself, it will catalog what’s happening with the development. Think of it like a changelog with comments, permalinks, archives…