WordPress News

WordPress Now Available

The first release of WordPress is now available.

New Point Seven Beta

There’s a new beta up, same bat channel. This has a much cleaner include scheme that should work on restrictive hosts and avoid a lot of the problems people were having. There are a ton of other fixes here as well, so check it out.

Point Sever Beta Test

Beta testers are needed for the .7 release.

WordPress Official b2 Branch

In case you missed it, Michel has announced that WordPress is going to be the official b2 branch “once they get a release out.” Needless to say we are working on doing so as soon as possible. If you would be willing to alpha test releases in order to help us iron out some final […]

So Close

Those of you following the CVS may have noticed the flurry of activity in the past 48 hours. A lot of things have come together quickly, and here’s just a quick update of what’s happening: We’ve ironed out a few bugs with the excerpts functionality, it’s now 100%. WordPress Links — Mike has taken his […]

Excerpts Working

Excerpts seems to be working now. Includes auto-populating excerpts when none exist (e.g. for old posts). Used in the RSS/RSS2/RDF output (configurable), but could be used for on-page headlines, or as a lead paragraph, etc.

Template Decision?

I hope everyone had a pleasant and relaxing holiday weekend. The more I look at the different templating systems the more I’m leaning toward Smarty. When cached, it’s just about the fastest thing out there. It’s certainly flexible enough for pretty much anything we could want to do, and its support and community are really […]

Template Engines Uncut

Here are the aforementioned template options I’ve come across, in no particular order: Tiny But Strong Template Power SmarTemplates Engine PHP Service Ultra Template PHPTMPL PHP-Templates Awesome Template Engine Phite SimpleTemplate patTemplate HTML Template Phemplate Fast Template Cached Fast Template Enzyme PHP Guru Template Class Smarty SmartTemplate I narrowed it down quite a bit, not […]

More Templates

Okay I’ve scoured the net and found about 35 different templating implementations. Some look quite promising, but it’ll take me a while to narrow it down to a few and start some serious testing. I would like to say for the record that HotScripts has what is possibly the worst search I have used in […]

Smarty and SmartTemplate

I’ve been looking and playing a lot with Smarty and SmartTemplate, trying to get a feel for each and decide which (if either) WordPress should go with. Neither is really right for the job; Smarty does far too much, while SmartTemplate is clunky in comparison and execution. SmartTemplate is ridiculously fast, but the syntax is […]


A small computer crisis has caused me to lose a couple of days of work on WordPress, but never fear, redoing something is always quicker than doing it the first time. More frequent check-ins to the CVS in the future will be a must.

The .7 Release

The major enhancements for the .7 release have been outlined in the future section. The features we’ve chosen to focus on for this first release may seem trivial, but in fact each represents major groundwork being laid for future enhancements to WordPress, as well as items that will add significant value to users. There will […]