WordPress News

Link Manager Changes

Huge Changes in WordPress' Link Manager can be expected in the next version.

WordPress Version 0.711 Now Available

A new version of WordPress has been issued to fix a cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in post comments.

TrackBack Discussion

While writing a critique of John Gruber’s misunderstanding of TrackBacks I stumbled across an article which said everything I was going to and decided to point you there instead. Gruber’s current system has many flaws, including the fact that it’s arbitrarily ordered by popularity (why?) and every referrer that isn’t a permalink is going to […]

Huge Changes in CVS

Massive changes in CVS: B2config.php gone! New Options Screens!


The button page is up and running, so grab one that suits you. If anyone feels inspired I would be interested to see some alternative ideas for the buttons, especially ones that don’t follow the Antipixel-style mold or make a creative use of the small space afforded. In return you get fame, fortune, and the […]

WordPress 0.71 Now Available

The 0.71 release of WordPress is now officially available.

MT import update

For anybody interested, I’m just about done with lining up the data models behind Movable Type (2.64) and WordPress (0.71) to see how the import can work. The rest of it should be just going through the motions of moving the data. There are a couple of outstanding design decisions, like what to do about […]

.71 Beta 3

This final beta fixes all known issues and then some. I’m running it on my own site and it’s great. Try it out and report any problems in the beta forums. Thanks!

About Section Revamped

The about section of the site has been completely revamped with a lot of new information. It should serve as a good introduction to what the WordPress project is about and where we hope to take it. Also new is the testimonials page where you can share your own WordPress testimonial. Please let us know […]

.71 Beta

We’re very close to our .71 release, so please try out the beta to help iron out any issues.

OPML Import

I just put the finishing touches on Mike’s OPML import for WordPress Links. I’ll admit that personally I hadn’t moved over to using Links yet because I have about a hundred in the Blogrolling system I didn’t want to enter all over again. Luckily they make your blogroll available in a format called OPML (here’s […]

Donncha Joins Team

Donncha O Caoimh is the newest member of the WordPress team.