WordPress News

Point 72 Beta 2 Available

Beta 2 is now available. This contains numerous bugfixes, including one to the dreaded convert_char problem. Unless any outstanding bugs are found, this is going to be the official release version. So test it out well.

More Changes

Still sprucing up the WordPress website, a little fall cleaning if you will. The forum has been improved a little more to handle some obscure character problems. I also fixed the minor bug in the last discussions list that showed the wrong number of replies. I haven’t looked at the RSS code lately, and to […]

Forum Fixups

I fixed the forums so that now instead of the threads being unsemantic tables they are ordered lists, styled a little different than they were before. This should mean faster load times for everyone. The thread lists and such I’m inclined to leave because it really is representing tabular information, just the thread itself wasn’t. […]

New get_links_list() function

There is also a new function called get_links_list() but I’ll let Dougal explain that. Oh, sure, put me on the spot. /* * function get_links_list() * * added by Dougal * * Output a list of all links, listed by category, using the * settings in $tablelinkcategories and output it as a nested * […]

Dev Status

So what’s been going on since we released the beta? Dougal just committed conditional GET support for all the RSS files. I’ve been squashing bugs wherever possible, particularly with regards to the intelligent line break tool. It now has a fairly sophisticated understanding of different types of block level tags, nested lists, arbitrary whitespace, and […]

Point 72 Beta 1 Available

Please try it out and give us some feedback in the forums. Enjoy! Abbreviated upgrade instructions for the impatient: Upgrading from 0.71 Overwrite your old .71 files, backing up most likely your index.php and any other files you customized. Open up wp-config.sample.php and edit the database information. Then rename that file wp-config.php. Do a happy […]

Password Protected Posts

I just checked in the password protected posts code and some improved autop. This will be in the next release. Check it out.

The Near Release

There was a good bit of progress today, as Michel, Dougal, and I hammered out some bugs on IRC (#wordpress on freenode. Dougal caught a bug in the upgrade script, I tweaked some links code to make it more consistent with the date handling elseware in the application, and I worked on the style a […]

More XML-RPC Fixes

Dougal has done some great work already adding full MetaWeblog API and partial MT API support already, and Orien Vandenbergh spotted a capitalization bug that is now fixed. Moving along nicely.

Documentation Hooks and Bug Fixes

Mike checked in some bug fixes, but he’s now on vacation and banned from the CVS for the duration. Michel (yes that one) and I tracked down a nasty bug that would create invalid characters from normal quotes. Alex has said he’s going to work on improving the quicktag code to be cursor aware […]

Blogger Import

So, in the spirit of the last post, I’d like to post about the two commits I’ve made so far today. The first was to the comments posting code, decreasing the flood protection timeout to something more in line with someone actually going from entry to entry and commenting. Anything over five seconds is generally […]

RSS Fixed

This is just a quick post to let everyone know that the RSS for this development blog has been fixed. We’ve been so busy adding great features to WordPress that it must have just slipped under the radar. On that I’d like to bring this blog back to more what it was originally intended: an […]