WordPress News

Built In Statistics

There is some good discussion starting in the forums with regard to including some statistics functionality in WordPress. I think this is a very useful idea that a lot of people would benefit from. Feel free to hop in the discussion if you have any ideas regarding this. There have been some more improvements to […]

Comments Closed

There comes a time in a blog's life when it must decide whether it should allow comments or not.

New Calendar Code, Updates

The legacy calendar code we had was a little messy so over the past day or so I recoded it from scratch, making it easier to understand and cleaner. The XHTML of the calendar itself is semantically richer table markup, inspired in part by Dunstan Orchard and with some guidance from Joe Clark. You now […]

Import Your blo.gs Blogroll

Just implemented! Import of opml blogrolls from blo.gs

Nice Trick to Clean Old Entries

Mike has posted a great SQL trick to the forums. Old versions of b2 would naïvely enter break tags (<br />) into the database, often breaking block-level code posted or just making formatting awkward. Now that WordPress has the autop function to intelligently add line breaks what do you do about all of your legacy […]

Post / Edit and Permalinks

I’ve been working on two new features that I have personally wanted for a long time and is now available to WordPress users currently through the CVS and eventually through a release. First we’ve separated the post and edit screen. The post screen now has just the form for creating a new post. There is […]

0.72 Final Version Available

I am very happy to announce that 0.72 is now available. Here are some of the new features: An important security fix Tons of bug fixes Password protected posts Cursor-aware quicktags (like using a fancy text-editor) Improved API support: full or near full support for the Blogger, MetaWeblog, and MT APIs New template design from […]

0.72 Release Candidate 1

It’s available in the usual place, we need quick feedback on this. This release adds several new features and fixes an important security vulnerability. Unless any major bugs are found, this release will be identical to the final 0.72 release.

Comments RSS feed and more password protection

I added password protection to the RSS 2.0 feed for comments and checked it in. You can subscribe to the feed directly (http://www.example.com/wp-commentsrss2.php) to get the latest comments, or pass in the post ID and subscribe to comments for that particular post (http://www.example.com/wp-commentsrss2.php?p=1234). I also added password protection to the pop-up comments page (b2commentspopup.php). If […]

List View of Comments

I’ve checked in some changes to the Admin screens that give you a historical view of comments. This gives you quick access to recent comments on your site which is pretty handy if you need to modify or delete a comment on an older post (you don’t have to navigate to the post first anymore).

Hacks Section

I’ve started working on an implementation of WordPress that will be used to drive the Hacks Section of this site. Check out this thread in the forum for a discussion of potential categories. The Hacks Section will include tested hacks that follow the Hack Guidelines. I believe this will become a great resource for the […]

Drink the Kool-aid

The entire site and much of the forum should now be XHTML 1.1, completely valid and tested. I’ve submitted the site to the X-Philes. The forums still need some work. Cursed invalid embedded markup!