WordPress News

WordPress 1.0

I am proud to announce that WordPress 1.0 is now available. As the version number indicates, this is a major step for us and a great deal of effort has gone into it. Search engine friendly permalinks You may now structure your permalinks in a manner that is not only more meaningful, semantic, and "cruft-free," […]

Happy Holidays

I would like to wish everyone a very happy holiday season, and merry Christmas to those who are celebrating it today. I would love to write more about all the bugs that have been fixed, and the features added in the last couple of days, but I just got back from a family Christmas eve […]

WordPress Wiki

The brand-spanking new WordPress wiki is online and running. For those not familiar with what a wiki is it’s basically a content management system where everyone can edit all the content. It sounds chaotic but if anyone vandalizes the site it only takes a click to restore it to how it was. Wikis can be […]

Latest Updates

Just a summary of some of the things I’ve been working on today. The RSS 2.0 feed now supports multiple categories. Not sure how to do it for 1.0 yet, looking into it. The includes stuff now uses constants instead of variables. This means if you’re on the bleeding edge of the CVS you’ll have […]

XHTML Friends Network

I just wanted to point everyone to XFN, the XHTML Friends Network. Read about the release on my blog, Eric’s blog, or Tantek’s blog. XFN is a standardized method for leveraging the HTML rel attribute to describe relationships between people. More simply, it’s about enhancing how you link to somebody. If you use WordPress you […]

The Road to 1.0

Hello everyone, I have a few free minutes so I’d thought come up for air and clarify everything that’s been happening the past few weeks. Development progress has been huge and I’m very excited about where things are going. I’ll start first with what Alex has dubbed “The Great Renaming.” This was not change for […]

New feature: my-hacks.php

In the past if you were going to add a filter or hack you would have to modify one of the existing WP files and your changes would then be overwritten when you upgraded to a new version. No more. I’ve just checked in the code that adds a new option where you can enable […]

The Great Renaming!

Matt is too busy to blog about it, but he has just finished converting all the ‘b2’ filenames to ‘wp-‘. This is something I’ve been pushing for and I’m thrilled he’s done it. I think it is a huge step forward for WordPress. Some of the benefits: Filnames will be more stable going forward. This […]

Spam: Kill it at the root

Matt and I were chatting briefly earlier today about blog comment spam, and about an article that Mark Pilgrim posted on his site. Mark is pretty pessimistic about the outlook for anti-comment-spam efforts. And he points out the great lengths to which spammers will go in order to get their spams out to where eyeballs […]

Blogrolling Hack Illustrates Need for Decentralization

This morning it seems that sites who manage their blogrolls using blogrolling.com’s service had their links hijacked, every link being replaced by one to “Laura’s Blog” which predictably redirects to a porn site. As painful and unfortunate as this is, I think it illustrates an important point that as a weblogging community we should be […]

Save as Draft button

As a first step in making the administration and posting interfaces as elegant as possible, I’ve started implementing some of the ideas I’ve had as a very frequent user of WordPress and those that came up from a discussion with Matthew Thomas. Last night I checked in the code that is essentially a “save” button […]

New Forum RSS feeds

Alex hacked the RSS functionality I wrote for the support forums and added a feed that shows the last 20 posts in any forum. Also as always you can get an RSS representation of a thread by adding /rss/ to the end of the URL or following the link at the top of every thread. […]