WordPress News

WordPress updates

We realize that this development blog has been rather quiet lately, but the team has been working hard behind the scenes. As has been mentioned in the support forums, there came a point where we had pretty much gone beyond all of the version 1.1 milestones, so the next official release will be version 1.2. […]

Happy Valentine's Day

On behalf of the entire WordPress team, I’d like to wish everyone a love-filled Valentine’s day. Craig has put together a great graphic to celebrate the event, which will be in our header for the weekend.

4 Days Left in the CSS Style Competition

We’ve received a number of great entries in the CSS Style Competition. Just a reminder, you have 4 more days (until Friday @ midnight PST) to get your entry in!

WordPress Anniversary

I almost missed it, but the 25th was exactly one year after the fateful comment from Mike that started the chain of events that brought WordPress into being. Look how far things have come from that comment to the world-class blogging software we have now. The longest journey begins with a single step.

WordPress CSS Styles Competition

To help grow the number of stylesheets available for the default WordPress template, we’re sponsoring a CSS Style Competition for WordPress (with prizes!) through February 6, 2004. Tell your neighbors, tell your friends… get those creative juices flowing and send in your designs!

1.0.1 "Miles" Release Available

The latest WordPress 1.0.1 is now available. This is the fastest, most stable, and most secure WordPress ever.

WordPress-Powered Sites in Bloggies

The 2004 Bloggies nominations are up and I noticed that the WP-powered Kitta.net is nominated for Best Design. She has some very respectable competition, so please keep her in mind when you’re voting. If I missed any other WP sites let me know and I’ll add them here.

Popular Politicians Use WP

Oskar var Rijswijk writes about the leader of the Dutch socialist party starting a weblog and using WordPress. I’m not familiar with the politics of the region, and I can’t read a word on the site (except “WordPress”) but his first post already has 122 comments. So go check out the new Jan Marijnissen Weblog. […]

Super Bowl Rentals and WordPress?

Things have been pretty crazy here around Houston with events preparing for the Super Bowl. From Snoop Dogg to Janet Jackson, everyone is coming and hotels have been sold out for months. It’s expected that between 50 and 100 thousand people are going to be looking for a place to stay. In response to the […]

1.0.1 Release Candidate

The release candidate for version 1.0.1 is now available in the usual place. The 1.0.1 release fixes all known issues with 1.0, has several speed and efficiency improvements, more robust XFN support, improved importers all around, and a few other miscellaneous features. To upgrade from 1.0 simply overwrite your old files and run wp-admin/upgrade.php.

Cruft-Free URIs in WP 1.0

There has been some talk of cruft-free URIs again of late, so I thought I would post step-by-step directions for WordPress 1.0. Pay close attention, this will be very difficult. Login. Click “Options”. Click “Permalinks”. Enter your permalink structure into the box. I like the default one given, /archives/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/. Copy and paste the code it […]

Nightly Builds

Nightly builds are now available at https://wordpress.org/nightly/ . If you’re reporting a bug from a nightly build in the forums please let us know the date of the build.