Art Blog for The Inspiration Place

An Artful Tradition in Jewish Wedding Ceremonies

Interview with Ketubah Designer Jerise Fogel
by Miriam Schulman, @schulmanArt

Ketubah available on etsy
SchulmanArt: Where are you from and where do you live now?
Jerise: I grew up in NJ, near Philadelphia, and have lived all over the US—in Michigan, Nebraska, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New York—and for a year also in Germany. I love to travel. Currently,  I live in New York City, in

Tips for Decorating with Art: Channel a little Luxe to brighten your life

Interview with Interior Decorator Young Huh
by artist Miriam Schulman

Room by Young Huh Interiors, Photo John Hall
MS: Do you choose art for your clients?
YH: We love getting involved with developing a client’s collection and finding ways to display their art.

MS: What are your resources for buying art?
YH: We try to go to gallery openings as much as possible and go to some of the important shows...

Schulman Interview in Art of Man Journal

The Art Of Man  - Fourth Edition

The Art Of Man - Fourth Edition

Fine Art of the Male Form Quarterly Journal


Authored by
Firehouse Studio Publications becomes a reality! This quarterly seeks to bring balance to a genre of art that overwhelmingly favors the female figure. We feature artists that are courageous enough to focus on the male figure as a...