Art Blog for The Inspiration Place

Flesh Food and Fundraising

will cotton and Alyssa Monks headline drawing fundraiser at teh New York Art Academy
At the last moment, I was invited to a charity party at the New York Academy of Art. It was described to me by my good friend Marnie as "an expensive drawing class but lots of nude models and taught by the famous artist Will Cotton at the New York Academy of Art as a fundraiser."

Wanting very much to invest some of my earnings from the launch of my last online class ( Painting with Words) I was...

Go Figure ~ nude watercolor figure painting online class

online figure painting course in watercolor ::
Sign UP

Do you have the courage to try figure painting?

For over a year, I have been working on a new online classon painting the nude figure in watercolor. I looked far and wide and couldn't find anyone else who was teaching this course and I knew that I could show the world how to make beautiful watercolors. The way I paint the human form, you notice they are beautiful first and then you notice naked and...

Figure Painting (free masterclass)

figure painting | watercolor techniques | FREE online art class →

This week, I am launching a FREE 4-part video master class in painting the figure. Here’s the thing: You can’t buy this 4-part video series on how to paint the nude figure. There’s only one way to get it—by subscribing to my FREE email newsletter.

All you need to do is click on the wait list button Once you do that, I will email you as soon as the first video is ready and then you will be notified...

Draw till you drop

Yesterday, I attended an all day drawing marathon at the Silvermine Arts Center in New Canaan, Connecticut. They had the entire facility dedicated to the event with live figure models in every studio posing for various lengths of time. I felt like Goldilocks peeking into each studio-- this pose is too short, and this pose is too long and this pose is just right. I actually got to draw from three...

Painting Prompts Poetry

Art fan writes a poem based on one of my watercolors....
by Miriam Schulman, @schulmanArt
Watercolor Curtains
The one, the all of you
tissue is a sad friend
next to an uneaten meal
a cold drink, ice melting
love, my only hunger
I grew accustomed to

Schulman Interview in Art of Man Journal

The Art Of Man  - Fourth Edition

The Art Of Man - Fourth Edition

Fine Art of the Male Form Quarterly Journal


Authored by
Firehouse Studio Publications becomes a reality! This quarterly seeks to bring balance to a genre of art that overwhelmingly favors the female figure. We feature artists that are courageous enough to focus on the male figure as a...