Art Blog for The Inspiration Place

Creativity doesn't care about results

Elizabeth Gilbert BigMagic book tour

“Creativity is a crushing chore and a glorious mystery. The work wants to be made, and it wants to be made through you.” – Elizabeth Gilbert

It’s been just over a year since I first read Elizabeth Gilbert’s book Big Magic: Creative Living without Fear, a delightful exploration about how each one of us can awaken and nurture our creativity. This should be required reading for every creative. It...

The Talent Myth: Why perseverance and passion trump talent

talent myth
As an artist and an art instructor, do you know what I hear over and over again?

“I wish I had your talent!”

Although I’m so grateful to hear that compliment, I truly believe anybody can be an artist. However, you need to develop the right mindset and learn the skills and techniques to get the results you want.

Artist Miriam Schulman painting watercolor in her home studio
Artist Miriam Schulman painting watercolor in her home studio.

Everyone was born with...

Flesh Food and Fundraising

will cotton and Alyssa Monks headline drawing fundraiser at teh New York Art Academy
At the last moment, I was invited to a charity party at the New York Academy of Art. It was described to me by my good friend Marnie as "an expensive drawing class but lots of nude models and taught by the famous artist Will Cotton at the New York Academy of Art as a fundraiser."

Wanting very much to invest some of my earnings from the launch of my last online class ( Painting with Words) I was...

Watercolor Secrets from Around the Globe

watercolor techniques | how to paint in watercolor
This blog post turns the spotlight on some other watercolor artists who will be sharing the stage with me in January for Creative Jumpstart.
watercolor techniques | how to paint in watercolor
Here are the watercolor goodies I will be using!

What is Creative JumpStart?

If you haven't heard about it yet from my other blog posts, Creative JumpStart is an online course featuring 24 artists. I will be joining the fray and sharing fun techniques using...

How to Live YOUR most Creative Life

how to live your most creative life

I found this inspirational video interview with Elizabeth Gilbert. You may know her as the author of Eat Pray Love. She has a new book out called Big Magic which should be required reading for all creatives.

I did enjoy Eat Pray Love but I thought the best part about it was the title. However, with her new book, I would say the weakest part of this book is the title.

The entire book is filled with...

25 Ways to Jump Start Your Creativity!

25 ways to jump start your creativity
When people ask me what I do for a living, I tell them I'm an artist. When I say that most people imagine that I spend my days painting in the studio but day after day of working on art can leave my creative well dry. 

Being creative isn't always easy...

Being creative isn't always easy. Sometimes, we need a little extra help with igniting the spark. Often, it is ourselves that get in the way of...

Using Watercolor in your Mixed Media Art

download the art supply list for a mixed media and watercolor peacock on

Have you been itching to incorporate lovely transparent watercolor layers into your mixed media paintings? This blog post shares some watercolor goodies for the mixed media artist.

Watercolor Marker Joy

Now, when I posted a pic of these watercdolor markers on facebook and instagram everyone went nuts. I got TONS of questions about it begging me to create a video or teach a class with them.



Free online art class in mixed media
(it's that free mixed media video series I've been hinting about!)
Today's your lucky day! I've been working on a very special mixed media training program all week long and I'm excited to finally send it your way.

The even better news?  It's F-R-E E! (woo-hoo, right?)

AND you (you loyal blog reader, yes you) are on my A-list to get it early...because I know you are going to love it

start watching....


Watercolor Sketchbook: watercolors of Maurice Predergast

watercolor paintings by Maurice Prendergast #MauricePrendergast @metmuseum

Maurice Prendergast: Boston Public Garden Watercolors 

through Sept 7th, 2015 at The Metropolitan Museum of Art

watercolor paintings by Maurice Prendergast #MauricePrendergast @metmuseum
The exhibition of Maurice Predergast is a sentimental look at Victorian era Boston viewed through the eyes of the artist. The exhibit is situated directly beneath the Van Gogh exhibit so you can definitely see both in one day as I did in late June. The watercolors all come from a single...

The world is but a canvas to our imagination

Go Figure ~ nude watercolor figure painting online class

online figure painting course in watercolor ::
Sign UP

Do you have the courage to try figure painting?

For over a year, I have been working on a new online classon painting the nude figure in watercolor. I looked far and wide and couldn't find anyone else who was teaching this course and I knew that I could show the world how to make beautiful watercolors. The way I paint the human form, you notice they are beautiful first and then you notice naked and...

Figure Painting (free masterclass)

figure painting | watercolor techniques | FREE online art class →

This week, I am launching a FREE 4-part video master class in painting the figure. Here’s the thing: You can’t buy this 4-part video series on how to paint the nude figure. There’s only one way to get it—by subscribing to my FREE email newsletter.

All you need to do is click on the wait list button Once you do that, I will email you as soon as the first video is ready and then you will be notified...