Art Blog for The Inspiration Place

How to Develop a Daily Journal

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This blog post is part of a series that takes a deep dive into the strategies I use to quiet my monkey mind and stay focused on my art making, One morning ritual I find invaluable is the daily journal practice. I have a bunch of journals that I use to help me stay mindful.

Morning Pages

creative daily journaling prompts | journal morning pages | daily affirmations and goals | goal setting | How to Develop a Daily Journal + 10 daily free daily journal prompts free printable → artists call this "morning pages" as coined by the author Julia Cameron in her Artist Way book. When I do...

How to Find The Time To “Do It All”

morning routine for productivity | time management for artists | How to Find the Time to "Do It All" + free printable morning checklist for focus and creativity →

Since I sell my art online, write a blog, teach online art classes, volunteer within my community, and have two teenagers, I am constantly getting asked, “how do I find time to ‘do it all?’”

First of all, you don’t “find” time.

In fact, I will go further to say this isn’t about “managing” your time. You can’t “manage” time or “find” time or even “make” time. That just isn’t how it works. You manage...

Goals With Soul

use your art journal to set goals
Art journaling serves as an important took for goal setting and keeping goals visible. Just the act of setting the goals down on paper is a small step that most people neglect and yet it makes it twice as likely that you will reach your goals just by writing them down. It is like creating a contract with yourself. I also love a place to revisit my goals during the year and the fancier I make my...

Soul Intentions

art journal ideas | art journal prompts | art journal pages
Every year I have been making very fixed goals... I define a goal as a very specific, measurable, actionable outcome for the future. But I also set some intentions for the year. The difference between an intention and a goal is that intentions guide the present whereas the goals determine the future.
art journal ideas | art journal prompts | art journal pages
Get inspiration for your art journal by setting your intentions for yourself. Intentions are...

Word Doodles

art journal ideas | art journal techniques | art journal pages | get inspiration
For the past few years, I have been choosing a word for the year. This words serves as a beacon for how I want the year to go. In order to keep my intentions visible, I create art journal pages around my word. For this page, I experimented with all the ways I could write my words for the year "light."

art journal ideas | art journal techniques | art journal pages | get inspiration
You can do this exercise as well. See how many different "fonts" you can come up with in your art...

Positive Thinking Power

art journal ideas | art journal techniques | art journal pages
My grandfather had a saying which he loved to repeat while enjoying his morning bacon and coffee and that is "Every age has its compensations." It was an expression that I heard and dismissed as I longed for each milestone as I grew up... old enough to drive, old enough to drink (legally), etc... and then started dreading new ones....turning 30...turning 40... but now that I am 47 I don't really...

Make room for a new you

art journal ideas on
Even more so than January, springtime signals to me a time of new beginnings. The dreadful dreariness of winter lifts and the promise of flowers, warm weather and sandals awaits me. It's no wonder that as we come out of hibernation, we want to clear out our nests.

Declutter Art Journal Prompt

In this blog post, I share with you my "declutter" list as well as the declutter lists of some of the...

Every Mistake is an Opportunity

Guest blog post by artist Carolyn Dube

Thank you Miriam for the invite to share with your readers what I learned about making mistakes..and I've made a lot of them!

When I started creating, I had a harsh and critical voice in my head.  A nuclear powered inner critic who made it so difficult to enjoy making art. That voice kept the fun and play out of my day. That was then. Now, I've learned ways to...

Washi Tape: What is it good for?

washi tape ideas
Washi tape is known as "masking tape" in Japan but they have brought masking tape to a whole new art form. Each roll of tape is made from rice paper and has a low adhesion, meaning you can place the pretty pieces on things and lift them off easily. 

Washi Tape Addicted

I am so addicted to these pretty rolls of tape and make lots of excuses to buy them and use them whenever I can from wrapping...

art journal: Let's set juicy soulful goals

art journal inspiration
For the last few years, I have been using my art journal as a goal setting tool and it has helped me realized my craziest, juciest art goals. In my free 4-part video series, I will show you an overview of how I do that. Interested? 

Can you believe it’s 2016! That means you’ve probably created some goals for the new year already or you’re in the process. Or have you already broken them?

If you have

Top 5 reasons why you art journal

art journal ideas, inspiration and pages on
In my last post, I asked what you love about art journaling. Here's what you had to say:

art journal ideas, inspiration and pages on
Lettering techniques you can learn in Painting with Words

1) No Rules!

Pam: I love art journaling because there are no rules - you make your own, and you can change them any time you choose to! I love playing with my art supplies and my journals are my playground! Best way to destress!!!
I am a Kindergarten...

My Favorite Art Journaling Magazine (here's your chance to win it)

Art Journaling Magazine Giveaway | Enter to win here →
I make no secret how much I love Art Journaling magazine. The beautiful pages are eye candy for my soul and I love devouring each one. I know I should read the articles but I rarely do. In fact, more often than not, I will rip up the magazine and use the pages as my first collage layer.
So that poses a dilemma for me when I get my art published in the magazine. Do I keep it pristine and preserve...