Art Blog for The Inspiration Place

3 Most popular art blog posts of 2015

3 most popular art blog posts of 2015
As the new year dawns, I am starting to plan my blogging strategy for 2016. Part of the way I plan future blog posts is I take a look at the blog posts that were the most popular and look towards writing more blog posts on those topics. 

Not surprising, the most popular with my audience were on watercolor techniques, art journal ideas and color trends. Which was your favorite? What would you like...

3 Most popular art pins of 2015

3 Most popular art pins of 2015 @schulmanArt
Here is a round up of the three most popular art pins for 2015. Can you guess what the themes were?  I'll give you a hint... they are on art journaling, color trends and mixed media art. Come see what pinners are sharing from my boards in this blog post.

1. Art Journal Pins


2. Colors trends and paint picks


3. Beloved Mixed Media Art



In Case We Haven't Met Yet...

artist Miriam Schulman in her  art studio www.schulmanart.comHello! I'm Miriam Schulman and I...

25 Ways to Jump Start Your Creativity!

25 ways to jump start your creativity
When people ask me what I do for a living, I tell them I'm an artist. When I say that most people imagine that I spend my days painting in the studio but day after day of working on art can leave my creative well dry. 

Being creative isn't always easy...

Being creative isn't always easy. Sometimes, we need a little extra help with igniting the spark. Often, it is ourselves that get in the way of...

10 Art Journal Prompts

10 art journal prompts
There are very few blogs that I subscribe to that I actually take the time to read. However, I do subscribe and read Julie Fei-Fan Balzer's blog. She is definitely an artist's artist who humbly gives and shares much on her blog. I also have had the pleasure of meeting her in person and she is a fellow art geek just like me.

Yep. It's a guest blog post baby!

When Julie asked me to write aguest blog...

Relieve Stress with an adult coloring book!

adult coloring book
When I was growing up, I had to share everything with my younger sister who ruined everything. Gave my dolls haircuts; knocked over my block towers and broke my crayons.. So, I loved to escape to my friends' houses... especially those whose toys were unblemished. These playmates always had the best toys, but my favorite was Sandy's brand new box of 64 crayons.

New Crayon Smell


Do you remember...

An Art Journal in Search of Happiness

art journal idea |
We all want happiness, don't we? After all.... all those other things we think we want... love, money, success etc ...we want all these things because we think they will make us happy. But then there are those who are happy and poor. Single and happy. Unknown and unsung and happy. The concept behind the meditation that prompted these art journal pages is to respect happiness and respect happy...

Art Journal Inspiration: Pieces of Me

inspiration for your art journal →

I like to think of my art journal as "pieces of me" that I glue and hold down together. Pieces of me can be words, thoughts, things I have seen that I like, color from from my fingertips or parts of other artworks.

Print Rejects

One piece of me that always delights me is to add a print of my artwork to the page. Since I sell prints on etsy, often I will have prints that for one reason or another...

What do you put on the first page of your art journal?

art journal ideas
A commonly asked question is "what do you put on the first page of your art journal?" I actually take the stress off of myself by always starting the first page the same way. 

art journal pages
The first page of every art journal says "art Journal by Miriam Schulman." Kind of goofy, right? But why stress yourself out over a process that is supposed to relax you?

art journal inspiration
This is my second completely finished journal. In my...

black gesso proceso

art journal tutorial with black gesso

Do you have the courage to try black gesso in your art journal?

Today, I'm going to give you a peek of my art journaling process. I'm going to use black gesso as the first layer and the entire time I am meditating on a mantra about commitment to my goals. you can watch the video of my art journal from start to finish.

The opposite of success is not failure

The opposite of success is not failure....

Strip Away Stress

inspiration to art journal
The reason I love to "work" in my art journal is that it completely strips away my stress. Without the pressure of creating art for a commission or for a gallery, I am free to just play with my art supplies and the devil may care who likes it or not.  

Although journaling is personal, you may be curious about what other artists are putting into their art journals. That's why I love Somerset...

Art Journal Idea: Animal Totems

art journal inspiration found at
A lot of my art journal pages revolve around my word for the year. If you do not have a word for the year, it is not too late. I love having the word because it is a source of a plethora of ideas that get my creative juices flowing. My word for the year is "purpose."

art journal pages found at

Choose an Animal Totem

To do this two page spread, you can copy the dictionary definition on to your art journal page. For the main...

Watercolor Sketchbook: watercolors of Maurice Predergast

watercolor paintings by Maurice Prendergast #MauricePrendergast @metmuseum

Maurice Prendergast: Boston Public Garden Watercolors 

through Sept 7th, 2015 at The Metropolitan Museum of Art

watercolor paintings by Maurice Prendergast #MauricePrendergast @metmuseum
The exhibition of Maurice Predergast is a sentimental look at Victorian era Boston viewed through the eyes of the artist. The exhibit is situated directly beneath the Van Gogh exhibit so you can definitely see both in one day as I did in late June. The watercolors all come from a single...