Art Blog for The Inspiration Place

Art Journal Idea: Take Action

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Are you stuck for an idea for your art journal? I get stuck too... lots of times.. Usually. I will just play with making a pretty background in my journal until an idea strikes me. Here is an idea I came up with for my art journal and you are free to try it out too.
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Take Action

For this art journal prompt I thought about my goals for the year but more specifically I thought about specific action...

the blooming art journal

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Looking for art journal inspiration? I love making lists in my art journal This is a great art journal idea that you can use as a prompt for your art journaling.

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Favorite Flowers

For this art journal spread, I decided to take inspiration from the all the colorful flowers in the garden and I made a list of my favorite flowers.

Meditate on Flowers

This may sound like a mundane idea rather than a...

Watercolor dreams do come true

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Would you be interested in a medium that you can carry with you anywhere to capture the beauty of life? If you love to learn and express yourself through art then discover you how can build your confidence in watercolor. Whether you are a beginner or advanced, there is always more to learn.

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In Watercolor Textures, you will discover the confidence 
to create your own landscape painting in your own...

Who else wants to win a free art class?

online art classes in watercolor techniques

The essence of the way I like to teach watercolor technique is a blend of spontaneity and control. Anyone who has ever taken one of my online art classes, or just watched a free watercolor tutorial online (check out my youtube channel), knows I am a big believer of not fighting watercolor and letting it do its own thing.

Secret Bag of Tricks

In this new online watercolor class, Watercolor Textures,...

Art Journal Ideas: Defining Purpose

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A big part of my art journaling experience is focusing on my word for the year. (see blog post: 2015: A Year of Purpose) For 2015, I have chosen a year of "purpose" In order to get clear on what this means to me and keep the word and my intentions for the year in front of me, I spend a lot of time in my journal defining my word.

Art Journal Technique and Process

I spend a lot of time make a crazy...

art journal ideas: Animal Art

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I just wanted to give you a sneak peek into some pages in my art journal. For these two pages, I used watercolor prints that I deemed "not worthy." I make prints for sale on etsy and occasionally they don't come out up to my standards so instead of throwing them away I repurpose them in my art journal.
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For this page, I used a watercolor print of a tabby cat and then added a quote →collect cat art

Tweet: i don't need therapy~ I have a cat via @schulmanArt

Art Journal Idea: More or Less in 2015

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Looking for a new idea to art journal about? Sometimes making the background is the easy part -- but what do you say? Here is an art journal Idea I did in the beginning of this year to help clarify my goals for 2015 and I thought you might want to try it too.

Now I have done a variation of this idea before. You can see my other blog post "More or Less" to see if you like that version better.


21 reasons to Discover 21 Secrets

21 reasons to join 21 secrets, an art journal workshop adventure with 21 teachers!


Brighten the rest of these winter days with color!

As I sit here at home writing this, there is yet another school delayed opening due to yet another snow storm. Yet, I am choosing not to let that upset me because it is March and this marks the countdown to Spring and also to the 21 Secrets Spring 2015 Art Journal...

art journal ideas: create a personal mantra

art journal ideas: develop a personal mantra

A great way to keep yourself on track with your goal setting is to develop a personal mantra. In this art blog, I share how I created a personal mantra using my art journal.

For the last two years I have been choosing a word of the year as my one word mantra. This year, I decided to take it one step further and incorporate my word theme into a personal mantra.
In order to facilitate this process, I...

Art Journal Ideas: Chinese New Year

Using the Chinese New Year as an art journal idea for this inspirational artwork. Get step-by-step directions for the art journal techniques in an online class.

Art Journal Ideas for the online art class

In February 2014, I wrapped up filming my portion for the online art journal workshop, 21 Secrets. For my portion of the class, I decided to use the Chinese New Year as a source of inspiration so...

How to Get Published in Art Magazines

art journal pages | art journal ideas | art journal techniques learn how to get your art journal published in
In the beginning of 2014, I made a goal to get published in art magazines. Starting with the end goal in mind, I knew the only way to get "discovered" was to submit the art myself to the magazines. I made submitting my art a priority in 2014.

Steps to getting your art published

The first step to getting published is to research the magazine's deadlines and editors....

Most Popular Blog Posts of 2014

As I unpack 2014, I take a look at the more popular blog posts for the last year. I like doing these round ups for several reasons. First, it allows me to share the best of the best with you and second, it guides me in deciding what I should be blogging about in the coming year. I also added some notes about why I think these posts became so popular.

5 Artists to Follow on Instagram

Looking for...