Art Blog for The Inspiration Place

3 Most popular art pins of 2015

3 Most popular art pins of 2015 @schulmanArt
Here is a round up of the three most popular art pins for 2015. Can you guess what the themes were?  I'll give you a hint... they are on art journaling, color trends and mixed media art. Come see what pinners are sharing from my boards in this blog post.

1. Art Journal Pins


2. Colors trends and paint picks


3. Beloved Mixed Media Art



In Case We Haven't Met Yet...

artist Miriam Schulman in her  art studio www.schulmanart.comHello! I'm Miriam Schulman and I...

Art Journal Ideas: Chinese New Year

Using the Chinese New Year as an art journal idea for this inspirational artwork. Get step-by-step directions for the art journal techniques in an online class.

Art Journal Ideas for the online art class

In February 2014, I wrapped up filming my portion for the online art journal workshop, 21 Secrets. For my portion of the class, I decided to use the Chinese New Year as a source of inspiration so...

Mixed Media with Cottage Chic Charm

It's all in the Details
by Miriam Schulman

animal art
Hens are pecking in the grass with romantic flowers
Yesterday, I talked about how I transformed two paintings. Emboldened by that success I looked around my studio and took two more paintings out of their stuffy frames and had some fun.

Sides of Hen painting have English Cottage Roses. Save money on framing and display without one!
For these I also carried the...

Mixed Media Sheep Paintings

Ewe and Me
by Miriam Schulman, @schulmanArt .

animal paintings
Mixed Media Animal Art: Ewe and Me Against the World
When a painting sits too long in my studio it risks getting a makeover. That is what happened to these two sheep paintings. On their own they were nice pedestrian sheep paintings, but they had gone a year without a buyer and here I have piles of mixed media art materials nagging at me to do something....

40 Shades of Green

Enjoy St Patrick's Day
by Miriam Schulman

Sheep Art © Schulman
An old proverb says there's 40 shades of green in Ireland - here's a tribute to some of them!

Artistic Symbols of Easter and Spring

Iconic Art
by Miriam Schulman, @schulmanArt

Cat Art in an Easter Basket
Although the basket has come to be regarded as a symbol of Easter, it is also a symbol of spring. The meaning or symbolism of the Easter basket extends far beyond a simple array of goodies and treats that fill a basket. Since spring is the traditional symbol for new life, rebirth and renewal, the basket has taken on the symbolism...

Facebook Fans Give Creative Titles to new Sheep Art Series!

Wooly Booly!
By Miriam Schulman, @schulmanArt
Wooly Booly, 8x10" Farm Animal Art
Completed a new series of watercolor on canvas. This series depicts all sheep art and lamb paintings Paintings of farm animals add a delightful touch to your child's room, or a country kitchen. For this series I asked my fans on my facebook fan page to help me out with titles, so I owe the creative titles to my fans!
