Art Blog for The Inspiration Place

The Ultimate Guide to Getting Motivated

When it comes to getting motivated to develop a creative habit, there’s no single right approach. However, there are strategies that you can apply once you figure out what makes you uniquely you.

The better you understand yourself, the easier it will be to get motivated-- whether we are talking about art, work or health related habits.

These tidbits of wisdom are adapted from Gretchen Rubin’s book“B...

The Ultimate Guide to Getting Motivated

When it comes to getting motivated to develop a creative habit, there’s no single right approach. However, there are strategies that you can apply once you figure out what makes you uniquely you.

The better you understand yourself, the easier it will be to get motivated-- whether we are talking about art, work or health related habits.

These tidbits of wisdom are adapted from Gretchen Rubin’s book“B...

Photographing Your Art (a step by step guide)

how to photograph your art | photograph art |

Since a picture is worth a thousand words, for visual artists and other product-based businesses, this could also mean thousands of dollars! Getting the images you need of your artwork is not difficult to do. Here’s a step by step guide on how to photographs your art without fancy studio equipment.

Step 1. Get what you need: Lights, Camera, and Artwork.

You’ll need an overcast day, one that is...

Photographing Your Art (a step by step guide)

how to photograph your art | photograph art |

Since a picture is worth a thousand words, for visual artists and other product-based businesses, this could also mean thousands of dollars! Getting the images you need of your artwork is not difficult to do. Here’s a step by step guide on how to photographs your art without fancy studio equipment.

Step 1. Get what you need: Lights, Camera, and Artwork.

You’ll need an overcast day, one that is...

How Planning Keeps Me Productive in the Art Studio

daily planning prompts | organization for artists | art journaling goals | goal setting for artists | How Planning Keeps Me Productive in the Art Studio + FREE printable giveaway of creative planning prompts →
I spend a lot of time thinking about what I want to create.. this is typical of creatives. In fact, Leonardo Da Vinci was known to have said that he spends as much time thinking about what he wants to paint as he did painting it. 

So that I don't spend too much time spinning my wheels, I make yearly goals and then review those goals throughout the year frequently. I also make my kids review their...

How Planning Keeps Me Productive in the Art Studio

daily planning prompts | organization for artists | art journaling goals | goal setting for artists | How Planning Keeps Me Productive in the Art Studio + FREE printable giveaway of creative planning prompts →
I spend a lot of time thinking about what I want to create.. this is typical of creatives. In fact, Leonardo Da Vinci was known to have said that he spends as much time thinking about what he wants to paint as he did painting it. 

So that I don't spend too much time spinning my wheels, I make yearly goals and then review those goals throughout the year frequently. I also make my kids review their...

How to Find The Time To “Do It All”

morning routine for productivity | time management for artists | How to Find the Time to "Do It All" + free printable morning checklist for focus and creativity →

Since I sell my art online, write a blog, teach online art classes, volunteer within my community, and have two teenagers, I am constantly getting asked, “how do I find time to ‘do it all?’”

First of all, you don’t “find” time.

In fact, I will go further to say this isn’t about “managing” your time. You can’t “manage” time or “find” time or even “make” time. That just isn’t how it works. You manage...

How Meditation Keeps me Focused in the Art Studio

how meditation helps artists focus  | smartphone meditation apps | meditation apps | podcasts | meditation podcasts | zen | relaxation | creativity | artist | art business | creative business | productivity | motivation | inspiration | positivity | How Meditation Keeps Me Focused in the Art Studio + FREE printable giveaway of my favorite meditation apps and podcasts for creativity and art →

What is the first thing you do in the morning? Well. if you are like most people.. you roll over to check your phone. I used to do this every morning too but then I realized that I was spending at least 20 minutes each morning with my phone in the air doing random clicking and scrolling in a zombie-like trance.

This was not a good way to start the day.

Something had to change and so last year I...

7 Daily Creative Habits for increased focus and productivity

how to focus | how to be productive | art studio practice | productive artist

How I stay productive and focused in the art studio

Over the next few blog posts, I'm going to be sharing a series personal productivity tips that I use in my studio practice to stay organized and focused.

Here is an overview of that practice. If your goal this year is to get more organized and focused, tune in for the full series and add these creative habits to your life for increased focus and...

How to Price Art

This post offers a behind-the-scenes look at how artists price their work, and some clear guidelines to get you started with pricing your own.
One of the most frequently asked questions I get from my students who want to get started pricing their art is how much to charge. All artists struggle with this no matter how long they have been selling their art leaving them wondering if their is left...

Is your instagram account safe?

I blame it on Mercury in retrograde.

I woke up one morning in early September to discover my Instagram account was hacked.
And there was no one to call for help.

Throughout September, while Mercury was in retrograde, I submitted numerous reports (multiple times a day) to Instagram officials, talked to IT experts and mourned what I felt was a sure loss of the more than 8,000 followers I had built on...

My 5 Favorite Podcasts

5 favorite podcasts

One of the biggest challenges I see with artists, myself included, is quieting the monkey mind and the inner critic in my head. So in order to not listen to those demonic voices, I like to listen to podcasts while I create. While my conscious mind listens to the entertaining podcasts, my subconscious mind is set free to create without the pesky inner critic constantly evaluating my process.
