Art Blog for The Inspiration Place

The Ultimate Guide to Getting Motivated

When it comes to getting motivated to develop a creative habit, thereā€™s no single right approach. However, there are strategies that you can apply once you figure out what makes you uniquely you.

The better you understand yourself, the easier it will be to get motivated-- whether we are talking about art, work or health related habits.

These tidbits of wisdom are adapted from Gretchen Rubinā€™s bookā€œB...

The Ultimate Guide to Getting Motivated

When it comes to getting motivated to develop a creative habit, thereā€™s no single right approach. However, there are strategies that you can apply once you figure out what makes you uniquely you.

The better you understand yourself, the easier it will be to get motivated-- whether we are talking about art, work or health related habits.

These tidbits of wisdom are adapted from Gretchen Rubinā€™s bookā€œB...

How to Find The Time To ā€œDo It Allā€

morning routine for productivity | time management for artists | How to Find the Time to "Do It All" + free printable morning checklist for focus and creativity ā†’

Since I sell my art online, write a blog, teach online art classes, volunteer within my community, and have two teenagers, I am constantly getting asked, ā€œhow do I find time to ā€˜do it all?ā€™ā€

First of all, you donā€™t ā€œfindā€ time.

In fact, I will go further to say this isnā€™t about ā€œmanagingā€ your time. You canā€™t ā€œmanageā€ time or ā€œfindā€ time or even ā€œmakeā€ time. That just isnā€™t how it works. You manage...

How Meditation Keeps me Focused in the Art Studio

how meditation helps artists focus  | smartphone meditation apps | meditation apps | podcasts | meditation podcasts | zen | relaxation | creativity | artist | art business | creative business | productivity | motivation | inspiration | positivity | How Meditation Keeps Me Focused in the Art Studio + FREE printable giveaway of my favorite meditation apps and podcasts for creativity and art ā†’

What is the first thing you do in the morning? Well. if you are like most people.. you roll over to check your phone. I used to do this every morning too but then I realized that I was spending at least 20 minutes each morning with my phone in the air doing random clicking and scrolling in a zombie-like trance.

This was not a good way to start the day.

Something had to change and so last year I...

2017 Art Goals

2017 art goals

This year, my family started a new tradition of writing our goals down together and sharing them. Even my son is on the bandwagon as he started a journal for his goals and a planner to track them. My daughter uses her planner as both an art journal and a goal keeping tool. I am not sure what cockamamie system my husband has, I just know that he has one and I have a few systems going on at once.


Goals With Soul

use your art journal to set goals
Art journaling serves as an important took for goal setting and keeping goals visible. Just the act of setting the goals down on paper is a small step that most people neglect and yet it makes it twice as likely that you will reach your goals just by writing them down. It is like creating a contract with yourself. I also love a place to revisit my goals during the year and the fancier I make my...

art journal: Let's set juicy soulful goals

art journal inspiration
For the last few years, I have been using my art journal as a goal setting tool and it has helped me realized my craziest, juciest art goals. In my free 4-part video series, I will show you an overview of how I do that. Interested?Ā 

Can you believe itā€™s 2016! That means youā€™ve probably created some goals for the new year already or youā€™re in the process. Or have you already broken them?

If you haveā€¦...

The Art of Goal Setting

It has become an annual tradition of mine to write out my goals and post them publicly on the blog. I benefit as much if not more than anyone by placing my goals in writing and making myself accountable. I hope to inspire you in the process
This year I looked at my goals and groaned... "oh no.. no one is going to want to read all that. Who is going to want to read it? Maybe I need to make a video...

Crash Course in Marketing Your Creativity (12 best books for entrepreneurs)

12 best books in marketing your creativity for entrepreneurs
Okay, we have reached the last post in the series of books I enjoyed during 2015. Have you added any to your reading wish list? If you run any kind of online business, then these books were awesome. They really appealed to the nerdier left side of my brain. Let me know in the comments if you enjoyed this series!

Invisible Selling Machine by Ryan Deiss

ā€œif I had to boil it down to the one thing that...

Awaken Your Inner Goddess (5 best personal development books)

5 best books on personal self-development
Now I have a little confession... so far I have shared all the books I have read-- with my eyes. But the following 5 books I did not read. I listened to them on audio. In fact, I drove my children absolutely bananas since I decided that they needed to listen to them too as we drove around from place to place. I figured maybe Tony Robbins or Jack Canfield could get my son to do his homework or my...

The Creative Habit (4 best books on powerful habits)

best books on creative habits
This blog post is a continuation of my year of reading. See what inspired me this year and if it inspires you as well! If you are wondering what this has to do with art, then let me share this quote by Twyla Tharp:

ā€œI read for growth, firmly believing that what you are today and what you will be in five years depends on two things: the people you meet and the books you read.ā€ ā€• Twyla TharpĀ ...

Declutter Your Life! (5 best books on productivity)

5 best books on productivity and organization | declutter your life
At the end of last year, I made a very firm commitment to read. After passing on a very expensive online course promising to teach "how to maximize your performance," I went on a year long quest to educate myself in similar strategies by reading books in management, personal self-development and marketing.Ā 

miriam schulman shares 5 best books on productivity and organization | declutter your life
Reading in my studio....

Book Review Series

This blog post is actually going to be part of a...