Art Blog for The Inspiration Place

Creative Gift Wrapping Ideas...

Want to see how to make wrapping paper extra special? If you love getting crafty and like to add handmade touches to your gifts then the guest blog post I did over on Jessica Sporn's blog is for you. 

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8 Hanukkah Gift Ideas

8 Hanukkah Gift Ideas 

Hanukkah begins the evening of December 16th and ends on Christmas Eve. So if you want to get someone something for Hanukkah, know that you may want to finish your holiday shopping early! In this list I have included some of my own creations mixed in with creative ideas I've discovered on the internet.

Shopping Guide

  1. Cosmetic Bag: A printed pouch is a great way to carry art...

Artistic Symbols of Unconditional Love

Interview with Israeli Jewelry Designer Sagit Levi.
by Miriam Schulman, @schulmanArt

Sagit Levi on Etsy
SchulmanArt: Where are you from?
Sagit Levi: I live in Ein Vered, an agricultural village at the Sharon, located in Central Israel.
SchulmanArt: Where did you study art and jewelry design?
See all rings by Sagit
Sagit Levi:I graduated The Design school in Tel Aviv on 1991.

SchulmanArt: Do you make...

Handcrafted Hannukah

Order these special treats and get them by the last night of Chanukah!
by Miriam Schulman, @schulmanArt
Chanukah Party, fine art print for sale
Tonight marks the first night of Chanukah, and if this holiday crept up suddenly on you and you are unprepared have no fear. This traditional celebration lasts eight nights so you still have a full week to order presents and decorations for your holiday...

An Artful Tradition in Jewish Wedding Ceremonies

Interview with Ketubah Designer Jerise Fogel
by Miriam Schulman, @schulmanArt

Ketubah available on etsy
SchulmanArt: Where are you from and where do you live now?
Jerise: I grew up in NJ, near Philadelphia, and have lived all over the US—in Michigan, Nebraska, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New York—and for a year also in Germany. I love to travel. Currently,  I live in New York City, in