Art Blog for The Inspiration Place

Less than 60 Days to the Holidays. . . Are you Ready?

how to get organized for the holidays
Can you believe it's already November? What happened? Seems like yesterday I was playing tennis outside (that's because it WAS yesterday) With the unseasonable warm weather, sometimes it is easy to forget that the holidays are just around the corner. If you haven't thought about it until now, it isn't too late to get organized and make holiday gifts before time gets away from you.

Read on for a...

Creative Gift Wrapping Ideas...

Want to see how to make wrapping paper extra special? If you love getting crafty and like to add handmade touches to your gifts then the guest blog post I did over on Jessica Sporn's blog is for you. 

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Word Ornaments for your Inspiration Tree

holiday ornaments | inspriational word ornaments for hanukkah bush or christmas tree the past few years, my family and I have started a tradition of choosing a word for the year. We begin discussing our words in December, as we proudly turn words over in our minds and share them with each other.


If you are new to this concept, let me explain how this works. Two years ago, I chose the word "harmony." I decided to look for harmony in everything I did. I was not cleaning...

8 Hanukkah Gift Ideas

8 Hanukkah Gift Ideas 

Hanukkah begins the evening of December 16th and ends on Christmas Eve. So if you want to get someone something for Hanukkah, know that you may want to finish your holiday shopping early! In this list I have included some of my own creations mixed in with creative ideas I've discovered on the internet.

Shopping Guide

  1. Cosmetic Bag: A printed pouch is a great way to carry art...

Thanksgivingukkah for Hanukkah

A Menurkey! by @schulmanArt, Miriam Schulman
What has 8 candles and feathers? A menurkey!
Hanukkah comes really really early this year... I mean really early. So early, the first night is actually before Thanksgiving! This is so unusual that they say this won't happen again for thousands of years. The Hebrew calendar is a lunar calendar with a leap month which is why the Jewish holidays always fall...