Art Blog for The Inspiration Place

Word Ornaments for your Inspiration Tree

holiday ornaments | inspriational word ornaments for hanukkah bush or christmas tree the past few years, my family and I have started a tradition of choosing a word for the year. We begin discussing our words in December, as we proudly turn words over in our minds and share them with each other.


If you are new to this concept, let me explain how this works. Two years ago, I chose the word "harmony." I decided to look for harmony in everything I did. I was not cleaning...

Tis the season to remember
Although I am Jewish, I absolutely adore creating holiday ornaments. I think this harks back to when I was a girl scout living in the suburbs of Atlanta. Each year, I looked forward to stringing popcorn and cranberries as well creating these little works of art to decorate the tree.


Memorial Ornaments 

One tradition that I have discovered is creating memorial ornaments. These ornaments usually have...