WordPress News

Getting involved with the 2.9 beta testing

We have been hard at work now for a few months on the new features that will be coming in WordPress 2.9, and we are near the time when the first beta version will be available. We’ll need your help with beta testing the new features and ironing out any bugs. There are a number […]

How to Keep WordPress Secure

A stitch in time saves nine. I couldn’t sew my way out of a bag, but it’s true advice for bloggers as well — a little bit of work on an upgrade now saves a lot of work fixing something later. Right now there is a worm making its way around old, unpatched versions of […]

WordPress 2.8.4: Security Release

Yesterday a vulnerability was discovered: a specially crafted URL could be requested that would allow an attacker to bypass a security check to verify a user requested a password reset. As a result, the first account without a key in the database (usually the admin account) would have its password reset and a new password […]

Upcoming WordCamps

Every now and then I see someone ask in the dev channel how they can meet up with other local WordPress developers. We’re thinking about ways to make WordPress.org more of a resource to facilitate local connections, but in the meantime, I thought it might be helpful to publicize some upcoming WordCamps, the weekend conferences […]

WordPress 2.8.3 Security Release

Unfortunately, I missed some places when fixing the privilege escalation issues for 2.8.1.  Luckily, the entire WordPress community has our backs.  Several folks in the community dug deeper and discovered areas that were overlooked.  With their help, the remaining issues are fixed in 2.8.3.  Since this is a security release, upgrading is highly recommended.  Download […]

2.9 Features Vote Results

Earlier this month, over 3500 of you responded to our survey asking you to help us prioritize some of the media features that had been suggested for the 2.9 release. While the exact features for 2.9 have not been hammered out yet, as we continue to match up developers with features, we wanted to share […]

The WordPress 2.0.x Legacy Branch is Deprecated

The WordPress team had initially committed to maintaining the WordPress 2.0.x legacy branch until 2010. Unfortunately, we bit off more than we could chew—the 2.0.x branch is now retired and deprecated, a few months shy of 2010. Many of the security improvements to the new versions of WordPress in the last couple of years were […]

Improving your plugin – Changelogs

We’ve recently made some changes to help improve the communication between plugin authors and plugin users about the changes that are made between versions. We feel that all software should have a changelog that details, at a high level, what changes have been made in each version so that the user can make an informed […]

WordPress 2.8.2

WordPress 2.8.2 fixes an XSS vulnerability. Comment author URLs were not fully sanitized when displayed in the admin. This could be exploited to redirect you away from the admin to another site.  Download 2.8.2 or automatically upgrade from the Tools->Upgrade page of your blog’s admin.

WordPress 2.8.1

WordPress 2.8.1 fixes many bugs and tightens security for plugin administration pages. Core Security Technologies notified us that admin pages added by certain plugins could be viewed by unprivileged users, resulting in information being leaked. Not all plugins are vulnerable to this problem, but we advise upgrading to 2.8.1 to be safe. What else is […]

WordPress 2.8.1 Release Candidate 1

2.8.1 is nigh.  Release Candidate 1 is our last stop before the final release.  Please download RC1, review the changes made since beta 2, and have a look at all of the tickets fixed in 2.8.1.  Thanks for testing WordPress.

Vote for 2.9 Media Features

Last Wednesday, the core development team and a number of contributing developers met in the IRC #wordpress-dev channel to talk about which features should be included in version 2.9, which is now entering the development phase. We’ve been planning to focus on media features in 2.9 for some time, and unsurprisingly, it was media features […]