WordPress News

Themes are GPL, too

If WordPress were a country, our Bill of Rights would be the GPL because it protects our core freedoms. We’ve always done our best to keep WordPress.org clean and only promote things that are completely compatible and legal with WordPress’s license. There have been some questions in the community about whether the GPL applies to […]

WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 2

2.8.1 Beta 2 is ready for testing.  Download it, check out the changes since beta 1, and review all tickets fixed in 2.8.1.  We especially suggest, recommend, and beg that plugin developers test their plugins against beta 2 and let us know of any issues.  Notable fixes in beta 2: Translation of role names fixed […]

WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1

We’ve started work on the first maintenance release to 2.8.  2.8.1 will fix a handful of bugs that turned up in 2.8.  Today we’re releasing the first beta of 2.8.1.  Download it, and check out the bugs fixed so far.  Here are some of the notable issues that are fixed in beta 1. Certain themes […]

2.8 Release Jazzes Themes and Widgets

I’m very excited to announce to everyone that the latest and greatest version of WordPress, version 2.8 “Baker,” is immediately available for download. 2.8 represents a nice fit and finish release for WordPress with improvements to themes, widgets, taxonomies, and overall speed. We also fixed over 790 bugs. This release is named in honor of […]

WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1

With Release Candidate 1, we think WordPress 2.8 is ready and complete.  Download it, test it, and tell us what you think.  If you don’t uncover any bad bugs, 2.8 will be released on Wednesday the 10th. If you’re interested in what has changed since beta 2, consult the changelog.

Summary of #wordpress-dev IRC meetup for 20090603

Next Wednesday, June 10th, is the target date for the release of WordPress 2.8.  Tickets against the 2.8 milestone that are not blockers will be postponed to another release. WP 2.9 will require MySQL 4.1.2 or greater.  This is raised from the current requirement of 4.0. Checks will be added to the automatic upgrader that […]

WordPress 2.8 Beta 2

Download beta 2.  See changes since beta 1.

WordPress 2.8 Beta 1

Download it, test it, file bugs. What’s new? All of this. Good hunting, all you testers.

Contributing to WordPress, Part IV: Ideas, Opinions, Feedback

“I wish they’d implement feature x.” “Why won’t they put feature y into core? It’s rated really high in the Ideas forum!” “It doesn’t matter what I think, all the decisions get made by an elite crime-fighting squad funded by an anonymous millionaire. Er, I mean the four core devs.” These sentiments, and others like […]

Contributing to WordPress, Part III: Usability Testing

One of the reasons WordPress 2.7 was such a success is the amount of usability testing that took place during the development cycle. Starting with testing 2.5 and the Crazyhorse prototype and following with the 2.7 beta, the testing program looked at almost every feature and function in the application. That kind of thing? Takes […]

Make Friends with BuddyPress

What if there was software with the elegance and extensibility of WordPress but all the features you’ve come to expect from social networks like Facebook? Now there is: check out BuddyPress. BuddyPress is an official sister project of WordPress. The idea behind it was to see what would happen to the web if it was […]

Design Tweaks Poll Results

The poll is closed, the votes are counted, and the results are interesting. The table below shows the actual breakdown of the poll votes, of which there were 2,651. As you can see, there were four main contenders: Dean J. Robinson’s Fluency-based submissions (two variations), the existing 2.7 interface, and Matt Thomas’s comp (MT), which […]