WordPress News

The Blogging Enterprise Conference

If any of you are in or near Austin, TX this Wednesday you should definitely check out the one-day Blogging Enterprise conference on November 2nd at the University of Texas. It looks like it’s going to be a great program, and I’ll be speaking on “Sorting Out RSS Software, Tools, and Technology” at 11:15 AM. […]

Webzine 2005

Myself and a few other WordPress folks will be spending the weekend at Webzine 2005 here in San Francisco. It has shaped up to be a really amazing conference that embraces the indy roots of what we do and I’ve been looking forward to it for a while now. Best of all, it’s affordable! Tickets […]

WordPress 1.5.2

We’re happy to announce that a new version of WordPress is now available for download. This set of improvements and security fixes is in line with our commitment to maintaining an extremely stable 1.5 series. In addition to fixing a number of bugs and adding requested enhancements for plugin authors, this release also addresses all […]

Blogging Business Summit

What do Boeing, Microsoft, and WordPress have in common? Not much, except we’re all sponsors of the Blog Business Summit taking place August 17–19 in San Francisco. (Hope you weren’t expecting a better punchline.) That’s nice and all, but what does that mean? It means that you get $300 off registration just for being a […]

San Francisco Geek Dinner

It appears that the inimitable Ryan Boren is going to be in Northern California this week so it seemed like a perfect opportunity for a WordPress meetup and geek dinner. Although Ryan is the other main developer of WordPress and we’ve worked together for a long while now, we’ve never actually met in person so […]

WordPress Backup Week

July 23-30 is WordPress Backup Week. The WordPress Forum and Codex are working together to remind you to backup your WordPress site and database and eat your veggies. Even if your host does it (or should be doing it) no one was ever hurt by too many backups. It should be done on a regular […]

Get In The Loop

The WordPress Loop is the brains behind your WordPress site. A simple yet sophisticated bit of PHP coding, it generates the content and information displayed on your site, in fact, on each template page on your site. Understanding how the Loop works and how you can customize it to your needs is covered extensively in […]

Template Tags

WordPress Template Tags are the backbone of your WordPress site, giving you the power to generate content on your site. Template Tags allow you to change the way the categories and date and time are posted in your post meta data section. They control how categories, Pages, and posts are displayed on your site. Almost […]

Weekly Roundup

At the last WordPress IRC meetup there was a consensus that this development blog isn’t used enough for spreading general news and information about WP, and one of the ways we’ve decided to address that is with weekly roundup posts summarizing some activity and highlighting some of the amazing resources in the Codex. The posts […]

WordPress Available

We would like to announce that WordPress is now released as we continue the availablity of a highly stable and extremely popular branch based on the 1.5 Strayhorn codebase. Development has moved on to some exciting new features for the next major release, but an important security issue was brought to our attention which […]

Browsing Happy with WordPress

You can get the full details from the Web Standards Project press release, but to make a long story short WordPress.org will be taking Browse Happy under its wing by continuing hosting the site and keeping it current with the latest trends and information. Browse Happy is a site dedicated to educating people about browser […]

Security Update

It has come to our attention that under certain circumstances there is a security vulnerability in WordPress that may be triggered if you’re running the default template. We were able to respond very quickly (under 40 minutes) and update the download to You can upgrade by overwriting your old 1.5 files or if you […]