Art Blog for The Inspiration Place

What Your Art Collection Says About You

As well as brightening up our living room, our choice of art also reflects our interests and personality. Having original art in your home is a powerful way of stating who you are to the world. Art is a conversation starter, and a powerful way of spreading positive messages.

Express Yourself

When you surround yourself with art that expresses your personal tastes, it turns your home into a sanctuary...

What Your Art Collection Says About You

As well as brightening up our living room, our choice of art also reflects our interests and personality. Having original art in your home is a powerful way of stating who you are to the world. Art is a conversation starter, and a powerful way of spreading positive messages.

Express Yourself

When you surround yourself with art that expresses your personal tastes, it turns your home into a sanctuary...

What’s In A Name: How I Title My Art

how to title | painting titles |

When collectors see my work on display, they always comment how my art makes them feel both calm and happy at the same time. The beauty of this reaction is that it happens to be how I want my art to make people feel.

It has taken years to hone the skills to create this feeling through the use of colors, subject matter, and texture,

My art practice has developed as a personal means of processing and...

What’s In A Name: How I Title My Art

how to title | painting titles |

When collectors see my work on display, they always comment how my art makes them feel both calm and happy at the same time. The beauty of this reaction is that it happens to be how I want my art to make people feel.

It has taken years to hone the skills to create this feeling through the use of colors, subject matter, and texture,

My art practice has developed as a personal means of processing and...

Insiders' Look at the Creative Process

Whenever I go to an art fair or show my art in public, I am always asked:

"How long did it take you to make that?" 

This is such a hard question to answer since my artworks generally evolve over weeks and even months at a time. Paintings are started and then abandoned and restarted later. Moreover, multiples are made at the same time when I am working on a series.

This blog post will give you an...

Gratitude for Paintings sold in 2016

For 2017, I am choosing to focus on "gratitude." So as part of this gratitude practice I am going to begin by expressing gratitude for all the art that was collected during 2016. In this blog post, I am documenting all the art that was collected and expressing my thanks to the universe for uniting my art with collectors.

Each artwork collected has a story... why they fell in love. Why they couldn't...

How to hang art (correctly)

how to hang and display art

Whether you’ve been an art-lover all of your life or just recently fell in love, the step from the gallery to properly displaying a newly acquired piece in your home usually feels gargantuan and is filled with lots of questions.

How high should I hang it? 

Should it stand alone or be grouped with other artwork? 

Where should it be displayed? 

What do I use to hang it? 

How can I protect it?

Don’t fret....

Spiritual Autumnal Art Themes

Nature’s cycles often mirror our own lives. As an artist, I love what fall teaches us about releasing what weighs us down.

Promises of new beginnings and fresh starts

I like to think of falling leaves as a time to let go of part hurts, shed our old selves, and prepare for rebirth in the springtime. Just as trees release leaves to prepare for rebirth in the spring, fall is a time to let go of past...

the magic of getting started

What do you think is the hardest part of the creative process? Getting started or to keep going? Although both are hard, I argue getting started is always the hardest and there is a magic in just starting.

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it~ Goethe (tweet this)

One of the reasons I am in love with collage is because I know I can always just start collaging - gluing down my inspirational...

The Feng Shui of Elephant painting

feng shui elephant symbolism
Lately, I've been listening to podcasts as well as reading a lot about Feng Shui and I've been thinking about how that relates to my art.

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese practice of aligning your stuff with its most positive energetic forces. The basic concept is that everything has energy. There are some things that will always give off "bad" energy...these are things like...

Invoking the Muse

Did you ever hear the story of how J.K Rowling came up with the idea for the Harry Potter series? She says "I was travelling back to London on my own on a crowded train, and the idea for Harry Potter simply fell into my head."

Have you heard of that concept before? I was recently reading a story about Gloria Vanderbilt and she was discussing her writings. The New York Times reported: "Of the erotic...

How to grow a peony garden painting

mixed media flower art | floral art | pink peony painting
I am often asked how I can bear to sell my art...why don't I keep it? Part of what makes it easy to let go of my art and sell it is that I know that my best art will always be the next one that I paint. My favorite art in my collection is always my most recent art piece.

Is this really different than gardening? How could you bear to cut your flowers and make a bouquet except that you know the earth...