Art Blog for The Inspiration Place

Art is your Legacy (5 benefits of collecting art)

5 benefits of collecting art
Have you ever gotten a message from beyond the grave?

Shortly after Mother’s Day, I got a phone call from a stranger. 

He had received one of the postcards I had sent out to art collectors to celebrate spring had arrived at his home. I addressed the postcard to his wife who had purchased some of my original artwork.

My heart sank when he told me she had passed away.

“I’m so sorry. I will take her name...

the magic of getting started

What do you think is the hardest part of the creative process? Getting started or to keep going? Although both are hard, I argue getting started is always the hardest and there is a magic in just starting.

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it~ Goethe (tweet this)

One of the reasons I am in love with collage is because I know I can always just start collaging - gluing down my inspirational...

Invoking the Muse

Did you ever hear the story of how J.K Rowling came up with the idea for the Harry Potter series? She says "I was travelling back to London on my own on a crowded train, and the idea for Harry Potter simply fell into my head."

Have you heard of that concept before? I was recently reading a story about Gloria Vanderbilt and she was discussing her writings. The New York Times reported: "Of the erotic...

How to grow a peony garden painting

mixed media flower art | floral art | pink peony painting
I am often asked how I can bear to sell my art...why don't I keep it? Part of what makes it easy to let go of my art and sell it is that I know that my best art will always be the next one that I paint. My favorite art in my collection is always my most recent art piece.

Is this really different than gardening? How could you bear to cut your flowers and make a bouquet except that you know the earth...

Preparing to Plant a Painting

how to paint sunflowers
I want to take you on a journey through the process of how I conceived and then created this art.

Preparing to Plant a Painting

When I first started the process, all I knew was that I wanted to start with a layered neutral background. I used scrapbook papers, magazine pieces, and even sewing pattern tissue papers. I love beginning an art journey without a preconceived notion. As a I mediated on the...

Metamorphosis in Art

Art whether it is traditional painting or a modern mixed media piece is often created in multiple stages and layers. Earlier layers may be beautiful but often the under painting gets covered up with subsequent layers. Just as in life, you can not be too in love with your younger earlier versions of yourself or you can't move on and change. Although I loved the first stages of these artworks, I...

Three Decorating Ideas for Your Home

Let's Decorate with Art!

Colorful art can change the whole attitude of a room. Don't underestimate the power of art to uplift your mood and the spirit of everyone in it. Art is good for your health and your home and you should always surround yourself with art that you love.  Here are some great decorating ideas for incorporating my new red poppy art into your home decor.

Living Room Wall Decor

living room ideas | living room decorating ideas  | LIVING ROOM DECOR | COLLECT living room art FROM

Poppy Process

This blog post takes you through my artistic process on my new red poppy art. Get a behind the scenes look on my thought process when I paint.

red poppy art | collect this art on
Adding charcoal to the poppies.

Art history

Lots of artists will paint over their art either by reworking sections or even completely painting something new over the canvas. Rembrandt did it. Degas did it. Van Gogh and Monet did it too.. So, I am in good...

5 ways to cheer up on a rainy day

April Showers bring April Flowers by Miriam Schulman. @schulmanArt

Don't let the rainy weather get you down. I love the sound of rain on the roof and it is a great excuse to do something inside. Here is how I cheer up on a rainy day-- I would love to know what you do too! Please leave a comment, I read every one and they mean so much to me.

1. Exercise

I just begun my weekly tennis again so I was a...

Flowers of Instagram

The Fab Five by Miriam Schulman @schulmanArt

We have had a heck of a even snowed this morning here in New York! (seriously) Sometime in early March, I decided I had it with winter and I would start spring anyway. Regardless of the day on my calendar and the temperature outside I would start posting a flower painting daily to my instagram account. In addition to my daily flower postings,...

Three Dimensional Collage Art

Friday Flowers
by Miriam Schulman, @schulmanArt

Check out all the three dimensional texture! (protected with spray varnish)
This original collage painting is bright warm yellow, and brown with touches of chartreuse green. The art pictures a 3-D textured flowers with jeweled centers. The mixed media collage was created with pens, stamps, inks, art papers, passion, love and more. The border of the art...

What Mom really wants for Mother's Day!

Chocolate, Flowers and Pampering
by @schulmanArt, Miriam Schulman

You don't have to think so hard to come up with a great Mother's Day gift idea. Really, this is what she wants. I know. I am a mom, I have a mom, and I know lots of moms and guess what? I haven't met a mom yet the world over who doesn't want these treats for their special day....