Art Blog for The Inspiration Place

3 reasons why music is the ultimate escape

musical art | violin art |
I paint a lot of musicians, musical instruments and include piano music in my art. As a result,  I am always getting asked if I am a musician also. The truth is that although my childhood piano sits in my home and my kids both know how to play multiple instruments, I am not a musician. The music I make is on the canvas. My quick answer is to those asking is that because my kids are both musical, m...

Another free postcard for you...

I was truly overwhelmed by your enthusiastic response to my last postcard giveaway...

So, in the spirit of the holidays and giving, I am planning to do another one.

But this time...

There is a catch.

You see, I want to give these postcards to you only if you actually open my emails! (Yes, with the magic of computers, I can tell who opens my newsletters and who doesn't)

So here is what I am going to do.


Collective Creativity

collective creativity for the sunflower painting title on
People tend to think of creativity as a mysterious solo act, when in reality the best ideas are usually the result of a dialog. Name any famous artist, man or woman, throughout history and you will discover that each surrounded themselves with other artist friends. Georgia O'Keeffe had the tumultuous and stimulating relationship with George Stieglitz. Frida Kahlo married the notorious Diego Rivera...

Who wants real mail? (free sunflower postcard prints)

free sunflower postcards
I've been working really hard in my studio creating a new collection of original art and many people (like you) have been asking me when is it going to be listed online for sale. Well, to simplify my life I have decided that I will only list new art for sale once per month.

Sunflower Postcards

In the meanwhile, I wanted to do something for you. You see, I ordered a whole stack of postcards with one...

Wrapping Art with Gratitude

how to pack art
Have you ever wondered what happens to the art after I sell it online? Today I wanted to give you a behind the scenes look at how I handle each artwork so that it arrives at your doorstep in beautiful condition.

Wrapped with Gratitude

Between Veteran's Day until Christmas my studio begins to resemble the gift wrapping department of Macy's. I love packaging each of my artworks for you and it is one...

Preparing to Plant a Painting

how to paint sunflowers
I want to take you on a journey through the process of how I conceived and then created this art.

Preparing to Plant a Painting

When I first started the process, all I knew was that I wanted to start with a layered neutral background. I used scrapbook papers, magazine pieces, and even sewing pattern tissue papers. I love beginning an art journey without a preconceived notion. As a I mediated on the...

May you never lose your sense of wonder

art for the child inside of us all... may you never lose  your sense of wonder
Remember the joys of childhood? When rain meant a day at the movies and snow was a school holiday- not bad weather you complained about. Remember the days when the most important things in the world were your two wheeler bike, your best friend, and the ice cream truck? That is the sense of joy and wonder I try to preserve in my artwork and why I love to capture the innocence of animals who never...

The Bad Mood Cure

butterfly art is the bad mood cure →
Last week, I had a series of unfortunate events-- all in the same day. For example, my contact ripped in half and I had to run over to the eye doctor to have the him fish the remainder out of my eye. I also dropped a valuable (yes, very valuable) earring down the drain, but because the weather was so glorious that day my mood was unaffected. I could just observe these events and laugh at

how art changes the way we think about death

mixed media suga skulls
In this blog post, I show you how I created a series of sugar skulls based on the day of the dead folklore. This sugar skull art is part of the Mexican tradition of Día de Muertos, or Day of the dead.

The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died. The celebration takes place on October 31, November 1 and November 2, in...

Dear Winter, I have found someone else

Dear Winter,
winter paintings
The RideSize: 7.5x11" Original Watercolor Painting ©SchulmanArt
I have found someone else whom I think the world of and his name is Spring. I have been flirting with Spring for a while now, so I think it is best if we stop seeing each other for a while. I really enjoyed our relationship. I have memories of our dates together. Like the time we took our family sledding. I pulled my...

Wonderful Wellfleet Watercolors

Landscape Series 
@schulmanArt, Miriam Schulman
Watercolor Landscape depicts Hatch's Fruit Market in Wellfleet
What does summer vacation mean to you? Yes, I am already fantasizing about summer. With spring break just gone by it seems that it is a sprint to the finish for my school age kids. Yesterday's teasingly warm weather also tickled my imagination and my mind traveled to summer vacations and...

Color Therapy: Using Pink to help Your Self-Confidence

Positively Pink
by @schulmanArt, Miriam Schulman

Magical Bee Painting has watercolor's luminosity
Color therapy is one of the fastest growing trends in holistic medicine. Different colors turn out to have strong influence on people's moods dues to the different light frequencies they emit. Find colors that influence you positively to help with mood swings. The aim of color therapy is to balance the...