WordPress News

Don't Forget

Don’t forget that the WordPress meetup is this Saturday. The new structure of the Meetup site allows a lot more flexibility for group organizers to choose the time and place of the Meetup, which has always been my biggest objection. (The venues always were awful.) In Houston we’re going to be at a cozy coffee […]

WordPress and PHP5

Some people have been having troubles with WordPress on PHP 5 under certain server configurations. We’ve done a lot of investigation into the issue and there is good news and bad news. The good news is there’s nothing wrong with WordPress. The bad news is there’s a bug in PHP 5.0.0 that causes Apache to […]

Great WordPress Blogs

If you want more daily news on WordPress, I would recommend subscribing to these sites: WordLog — A new site with daily updates and thoughts on WordPress from Carthik Sharma. Good links too. Blogging Pro — “Blog News, Tools and Hacks” Always has the latest plugin info, often before even I see it. Weblog Tools […]

Color Contest

Over at my site I’m running a small contest for people to create alternative color schemes for the administration interface. When it’s done I’ll pick a few winners and package everything up in a plugin you can use to spice up your administration a bit. If you have a few free minutes try your hand […]

Dev Update

Between posting to the forums, the IRC channel, and of course the wiki, I somehow forgot to update this blog. It’s time for an update. Here are a few things version 1.3 will do, or already does: Works with all trackback URIs New login system (for people who were having trouble) New import/export system Improved […]

Meetup Location

For everyone in San Francisco the WordPress Meetup is tomorrow (Saturday) at 4 PM. However there is a slight misunderstanding about the location. All week I’ve been telling everyone it’s going to be at the Border’s at Union Square, when at the meetup site it’s listed as a Border’s someplace way out of town. So […]

The Month in WordPress: December 2017

Activity slowed down in December in the WordPress community, particularly in the last two weeks. However, the month started off with a big event and work pushed forward in a number of key areas of the project. Read on to find out more about what transpired in the WordPress community as 2017 came to a […]


Colin D. Devroe conducted an interview with yours truly in which I talk a bit about WordPress and future plans, so you may find it interesting.

WordPress Hackers Mailing List

In the past month or two it has become apparent that there is a whole in the discussion fora for WordPress. For new users and troubleshooting we have the easy-to-use support forums, now tens of thousands of posts strong. For the documentation team we have a forum, and mailing list, and the wiki. For general […]

Swat Team

I’ve set up bug tracking software at https://mosquito.wordpress.org/ and already people have begun to sign up. There is a lot of work that needs to be done to get the bug tracker up to WordPress standards, but the process has begun.

The Road Ahead

This is a story about multiple blogs, bugs, enhancements, tables, chairs, and servers. Everyone wants to know about multiple blogs. We all want it yesterday. To clear up a common misconception, you can already run multiple wordpress blogs just fine, they can even be in the same database. Just give the installations a different table […]

Slashdot Again

Welcome Slashdot visitors, again. Can’t you guys give us a break? You know the drill, some parts of the site will be static while the wave rides out.