WordPress News

CVS List

I’ve set up a new mailing list for those who want to monitor the development of WordPress more closely. Whenever anyone makes a commit to the CVS repository it’s sent to the list with a diff of the commit. This may possibly be high traffic and the messages may be large, just a warning. If […]

Ping-o-Matic and Site Fix

First off I wanted to let everyone know that the Ping-o-Matic XML-RPC interface is up and running. So to ping all those services with one fast and automatic step, follow these instructions: Login Go to Options → Writing Erase anything you may have in “Update Services” and just put http://rpc.pingomatic.com/ Watch how fast your posting […]

WordPress 1.2

I am very proud to announce the immediate availability of the much-anticipated 1.2 “Mingus” release of WordPress. You can download it through the usual methods, though it usually takes a few hours for the SourceForge mirrors to catch up with everything. There are so many new features it’s almost too much for this post, but […]

Final Release Candidate

A few issues came up with the last release candidate that made it important to test out the latest changes in a final beta release. Trust me, I’m as anxious as all of you to get my hands on a final 1.2 but this last bit of testing will help us ensure that the much-anticipated […]

Make the Switch!

Mark Pilgrim has a long post on why he’s switching to WordPress. Carthik makes switching easy with his comprehensieve summary on migrating from MovableType to WordPress. Gregory Auld has published the second part of his series on converting your MT template tags to WP tags.


All the hubbub over the new MovableType terms and people switching to WordPress has been mentioned over on Slashdot. Welcome to all our new visitors! We’re going to deactivate the forums for a few minutes while we ride out the wave, if you check back later today they should be up.

1.2 Release Candidate

As I promised the other day, the first release candidate of WordPress 1.2 is available. It’s available from the usual place. We need a real page for beta releases, not just posts on the dev blog and apache indexed directories, I know. It’s on the list! As always, feedback in the beta forum is appreciated.

Moving Guide

Carthik Sharma has written an excellent guide for moving from Movable Type to WordPress. It walks you through step by step of downloading, installing, and understanding WordPress. I also like that it has pointers to a lot of documentation resources outside of wordpress.org. I also wanted to take this oppurtunity to say “howdy” to all […]

New Pricing Scheme

Our friends at SixApart have announced their new pricing scheme. Best of luck to them moving forward and growing as a business. I have been receiving emails all morning asking if I have any plans to charge for WordPress in the future. The answer is no, but my answer doesn’t matter. The license WordPress is […]

So When is it Coming Out?

If you’ve been following WordPress development, you know that this 1.2 release is our most ambitious to date. In my eyes it is as significant as our 1.0 release was. There has been more development, and more testing than any previous WordPress release. Also, most exciting to me, is more people contributed to this release […]

WordPress in Gentoo

Peter Westwood has created a WordPress ebuild for the Gentoo Linux system, like I do. The ebuild currently has some weird dependencies, but that seems be due to some sort of web application framework they’re using. To install WordPress on Gentoo now simply type the following as root: emerge sync; emerge wordpress There is also […]

Plugins From CSS Guru

The infamous Eric Meyer, as you may know, powers his blog with WordPress. In the course of customizing WordPress to meet his needs we chatted quite a bit and he extended the functions he needed to extend using the 1.2 plugin format, and he is now sharing his work with the community. See his Meyerweb […]