Art Blog for The Inspiration Place

Time to Refuel the Creative Well

A day in the city to recharge creative batteries....
by Miriam Schulman, @schulmanArt

Grand Central Station in its Holiday glory
Every once in a while I make a point of going breaking with my regular routine and going into the city to refuel my creative well. Today was a misty rainy day but that doesn't stop me. I find rain, especially unseasonable warm December rain, refreshing and with a big...

More African Drawings Created on Site at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Who were the Heroic Africans?
by Miriam Schulman, @schulmanArt
Painting of Afukwa, African Queen
Memorial head of Afukwa
An African terracotta sculpture inspired this watercolor painting. I viewed the sculpture as part of a special exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art titled "Heroic Africans." The exhibition takes a look at sculptural...

Heroic Africans: Legendary Leaders, Iconic Sculptures

Drawing at the Metropolitan Museum
by Miriam Schulman, @schulmanArt
Set of 4 African Paintings
This art was drawn from a special exhibition titled "Heroic Africans" which takes a look at sculptural traditions from West and Central Africa created between the twelfth and early twentieth centuries. I brought my watercolor sketch pad into the gallery on a friday night and sketched from seven different...

Picasso Painted Watercolors

Reinventing Tradition: Picasso at the Frick
by Miriam Schulman, @schulmanArt~

Nudes in a Forest
, spring 1908
Watercolor, gouache, and graphite on wove paper
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Picasso loved to draw. The Frick Collection currently has an amazing exhibition that chronicles the development of Picasso's drawings, from academic life drawings done when he was eight through maturity of his...

Global Home Decor

Drawing in the Galleries for the Arts of South and Southeast Asia
by Miriam Schulman, @schulmanArt

The Metropolitan Museum of Art has one of the largest collections of Asian art in the Western world. Last Friday night I participated in the drop in drawing session that took place in the  Galleries for the Arts of South and Southeast Asia. The gallery that I worked in had sculptural objects from the...

Celebrated Portraitist and Genre Painter Frans Hals

Dutch Art in New York
by Miriam Schulman

Trademark jutting elbow and knuckle on his hips
The Dutch have revered Franz Hals as part of the holy trinity of artists coming from their country that include Rembrandt and Vermeer. The current exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art does a great job placing Hals in context of art history. The curators relate the painter to the past and also to the future...

Getting your art in a museum just got easier.

Art Appears on Frick Collection's Website!
by Miriam Schulman

I've always wanted my art in a museum so imagine how thrilled I was when the Frick emailed me to let me know that they were displaying three of my drawings. Well alright, maybe not in their world famous Fifth Avenue museum in New York City, but for a brief time my drawings are on the Frick's website.

I took advantage of the Frick's...

Add Studio Museum in Harlem to Your Summer Art To Do List

Discover the Work of Emma Amos and African American Painters of the 1960's
by Miriam Schulman

Emma Amos
Three Figures, 1966
Oil on canvas

Spiral: Perspectives on an African-American Art Collective is a new art exhibition at The Studio Museum in Harlem. The exhibition looks back at black artists painting during the height of the civil rights movement who met for weekly discussions in an artist's studio...

Hidden Gallery Gems in Chelsea.

Where to go gallery hopping in New York.
by Miriam Schulman.
Summer Butterfly Swirls by Miriam Schulman
The Chelsea Art Walk is this Thursday, July 28, 2001 with over 125 participating galleries! Chelsea's second annual summer evening of extended hours and special events is free and open to the public.Where does one start? Here is a guide to some great finds. The evening is from 5-8 or you can visit...

Five More Art Shows to Round out your Summer in NYC!

Exhibitions not to miss in New York.
by Miriam Schulman~

Where do you go for great art in the middle of July when some shows have closed and you've seen the rest? The Cone Sisters exhibition is still going on at the Jewish Museum and so is Savage Beauty, the Alexander McQueen retrospective at the Metropolitan Museum of Art but if you are a frequent museum goer you may be looking for a fresh batch of...

Where to go for the ultimate art and fashion experience in Paris

Must Visit Places in the Art and Fashion Capital of the World
by @lindsayLeBoyer, guest blogger

Paris has some of the best art exhibits and fashion hot spots the world has to offer. Make sure you don't miss these five incredible places!

La Renaissance Pâtisserie Française in Scarsdale, 8x10" Watercolor by Miriam Schulman

 1) The Louvre Museum
Entrance to the Lourve is designed by architect I.M Pei

Five not to miss art shows in NYC this summer

I never seem to be able to keep up with all the great art shows and events going on in New York City. If you are planning a visit soon, here are some absolutely not miss art shows going on right now. Anyone interesting in an art date?

1) Picasso and Marie-Thérèse; L’amour foufrom April 14 - July 15, 2011 The very successful art gallery, Gagosian Gallery, is also well known for putting together...