Art Blog for The Inspiration Place

Washi Tape: What is it good for?

washi tape ideas
Washi tape is known as "masking tape" in Japan but they have brought masking tape to a whole new art form. Each roll of tape is made from rice paper and has a low adhesion, meaning you can place the pretty pieces on things and lift them off easily. 

Washi Tape Addicted

I am so addicted to these pretty rolls of tape and make lots of excuses to buy them and use them whenever I can from wrapping...

art journal: Let's set juicy soulful goals

art journal inspiration
For the last few years, I have been using my art journal as a goal setting tool and it has helped me realized my craziest, juciest art goals. In my free 4-part video series, I will show you an overview of how I do that. Interested? 

Can you believe it’s 2016! That means you’ve probably created some goals for the new year already or you’re in the process. Or have you already broken them?

If you have…...

Top 5 reasons why you art journal

art journal ideas, inspiration and pages on
In my last post, I asked what you love about art journaling. Here's what you had to say:

art journal ideas, inspiration and pages on
Lettering techniques you can learn in Painting with Words

1) No Rules!

Pam: I love art journaling because there are no rules - you make your own, and you can change them any time you choose to! I love playing with my art supplies and my journals are my playground! Best way to destress!!!
I am a Kindergarten...

My Favorite Art Journaling Magazine (here's your chance to win it)

Art Journaling Magazine Giveaway | Enter to win here →
I make no secret how much I love Art Journaling magazine. The beautiful pages are eye candy for my soul and I love devouring each one. I know I should read the articles but I rarely do. In fact, more often than not, I will rip up the magazine and use the pages as my first collage layer.
So that poses a dilemma for me when I get my art published in the magazine. Do I keep it pristine and preserve...

The Art of Goal Setting

It has become an annual tradition of mine to write out my goals and post them publicly on the blog. I benefit as much if not more than anyone by placing my goals in writing and making myself accountable. I hope to inspire you in the process
This year I looked at my goals and groaned... "oh no.. no one is going to want to read all that. Who is going to want to read it? Maybe I need to make a video...

3 Most popular art blog posts of 2015

3 most popular art blog posts of 2015
As the new year dawns, I am starting to plan my blogging strategy for 2016. Part of the way I plan future blog posts is I take a look at the blog posts that were the most popular and look towards writing more blog posts on those topics. 

Not surprising, the most popular with my audience were on watercolor techniques, art journal ideas and color trends. Which was your favorite? What would you like...

The Wheel Keeps On Turning

3 Most popular art pins of 2015

3 Most popular art pins of 2015 @schulmanArt
Here is a round up of the three most popular art pins for 2015. Can you guess what the themes were?  I'll give you a hint... they are on art journaling, color trends and mixed media art. Come see what pinners are sharing from my boards in this blog post.

1. Art Journal Pins


2. Colors trends and paint picks


3. Beloved Mixed Media Art



In Case We Haven't Met Yet...

artist Miriam Schulman in her  art studio www.schulmanart.comHello! I'm Miriam Schulman and I...

the time between the years

mixed media trumpet painting by @schulmanArt
A German friend recently told me that her country calls this time "between the years." I like that idea. After the grandiose Hanukkah and Christmas, we have some days before New Years where we can reflect on the retrospective of the last year and the promise of a new one. It is that build up of time that is considered "between the years."

Resolutions, Threats, Promises

Since Hanukkah came...

Art Inspired by Music

Last weekend, I drove up to see my college daughter perform in her orchestra. Now for those of you who have negative flashbacks to elemetary school orchestra and band concerts where you couldn't tell the difference between the music and the tuning... this was nothing of that sort. My daughter goes to a music conservatory where students are training to perform at the highest level. 

Inspiration to...